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Socket err. 11004 and 10060

Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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I am repeatedly receiving socket errors when trying to connect. I will either get a single error that says

Socket Error #11004


Failed to upload file "filename" to "remote path"
Socket Error #10060
Connection Timed Out

OS: Windows Vista Business
PHPED: 5.0 (Build 5025)
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Looks like you have a poor network service.

Last edited by dmitri on Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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That was a poor attempt to fix a valid problem. As a customer who purchased a 4 user license I would appreciate a little more thought into an issue before writing it of as a PEBCAK error. We can FTP into any of the accounts where we receive the problem so I assure you network service is not an issue.

Our server was rejecting Passive FTP connections and NuSphere defaults to Passive. Turning off Passive seemed to do the trick for the Socket Error #10060, however random #11004 still appear on all Vista Machines but not on any XP machines.
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There is nothing to do with network error at the IDE level, yet. IDE always runs 3 attempts before showing the error. May be the probelms happens for the same reasons as there socket-error-11004-t3782.html I hope that the host name in your case is spelt correct in the account settings but it may make sense to double check it or at least you may want to submit a sreenshot of the settings to let me check them for you.

11004 means that the DNS request has failed.
10060 means destination host is not reachable.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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"There is nothing to do with network error at the IDE level, yet."
I do not understand.

"May be the probelms happens for the same reasons as there socket-error-11004-t3782.html?quot;=
I looked at the attached topic and I did read that one one before posting. That is not my current problem. We often use IP addresses instead of Domain Names, but the errors occur either way. We never put ftp:// http:// https:// ftps:// or anything of the sort in the host name.

I hope that the host name in your case is spelt correct in the account settings but it may make sense to double check it or at least you may want to submit a sreenshot of the settings to let me check them for you.
Yes, the settings are correct. Sometimes they work, randomly they don't. Sometimes the #10060 error happens when trying to save a new file. A program reboot is often required for this error to go away, or refreshing the network interface (again, ONLY in Vista, not XP). We don't see any of the above errors with the same credentials on an XP Professional machine.
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"There is nothing to do with network error at the IDE level, yet."
I do not understand.

The problem is caused by the network. Not by the IDE. In other words, no changes in the IDE internal code or the settings may fix this kind of problems.
For example, if you call connect() Winsock Api function and it returns error=10060, you have roughly nothing to do, it's up to network and it's network or network related software should be checked.

Yes, the settings are correct. Sometimes they work, randomly they don't. Sometimes the #10060 error happens when trying to save a new file

Do you have a 3rd party services like Antivirus monitoring software, Firewall, "defender" or something that may snoop into network trafic and cause the problem? We got reports for example that Bit Defender adds much more problems than solves and even disabling it does not help, only uninstall.

The PHP IDE team
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Socket err. 11004 and 10060
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