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Joined: 09 Feb 2017
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PHP 8.2 is not a concern atm, but 8.1 support is crucial.
Can I possibly have any beta to test/use at the moment? If yes, I'd happily prolong my subscription right now, not waiting for the final release.
Having some related bugs is totally OK Smile
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I'm under impression I sent you the link. Duplicating now.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2017
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dmitri wrote:
I'm under impression I sent you the link. Duplicating now.

Sorry, but I still don't see it in my mail nor on forum private messages. Can you please send it by forum private message maybe?
As promised, I've just prolonged my subscription (invoice 241398).
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Joined: 30 May 2006
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Honestly, I am thinking I have to move to another IDE.
Last major release was 1.5 years ago.
Nothing changed since.
I even extended my licence this year hoping for at least some fixes, perhaps some new features (exclude folders from search, stop deep object inspection on dbg tooltip ..), PHP 8.1 support ..
But nothing happened.
What's worst - no word from the company, when and what will be released.
Just the silence.

So even though I have been using this IDE the last 15 years, I am most likely going to abandon it.
Most probable candidate might be MS Visual Studio Code with Xdebug - seems praised by majority of developers.
PhpStorm seems too complex & overfilled with many features I don't really need - but it might be 2nd or 3rd try ..
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Joined: 24 Jun 2019
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Yes, unfortunately and I moved on from PhpED.
Over 10 years it was my first choice, but because of literally no new features added for a long time, I've searched for other options.

If I may suggest - take a look at the RapidPHP. IDE is very similar to PhpED, have some shortcomings, but generally ok...
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Joined: 06 Aug 2007
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because of missing 8.1 support I also tried to use PhpStorm, and now I'd like to appeal to PhpED team:
if you stopped PhpED development because of lost competition with PhpStorm then you are absolutely wrong!
You can easily compete with the mess that is going on in PhpStorm, and your debugger or remote server support is incomparably better.
I run PHP projects in docker on virtual machine and need files synchronization that is not good enough in PhpStorm, and it even doesn't allow to map remote folder for debugger without downloading.
PhpStorm's debugger doesn't allow to change Execution point, and even cannot display property value on mouse hover, IDE window doesn't pop up on breakpoint and browser shows time-out.
It's even much more convenient to use TortoiseGit from PhpED than PhpStorm's git client.
Guys, you don't have enough problems to die, PhpED must live. Simplicity and great debugger is your niche. You don't need a huge amount of useless extensions like PhpStorm, since in any case more professional tools are usually used like DBeaver, TortoiseGit etc.
Please keep working on PhpED, you are great!
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Joined: 30 May 2006
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shimasoft wrote:
because of missing 8.1 support I also tried to use PhpStorm, and now I'd like to appeal to PhpED team:
if you stopped PhpED development because of lost competition with PhpStorm then you are absolutely wrong!
You can easily compete with the mess that is going on in PhpStorm, and your debugger or remote server support is incomparably better.
I run PHP projects in docker on virtual machine and need files synchronization that is not good enough in PhpStorm, and it even doesn't allow to map remote folder for debugger without downloading.
PhpStorm's debugger doesn't allow to change Execution point, and even cannot display property value on mouse hover, IDE window doesn't pop up on breakpoint and browser shows time-out.
It's even much more convenient to use TortoiseGit from PhpED than PhpStorm's git client.
Guys, you don't have enough problems to die, PhpED must live. Simplicity and great debugger is your niche. You don't need a huge amount of useless extensions like PhpStorm, since in any case more professional tools are usually used like DBeaver, TortoiseGit etc.
Please keep working on PhpED, you are great!

There is no team behind PHPEd, just one developer. And due to too many alternative IDEs as well as XDebug they stopped active development of PHPEd. Just have no honesty to announce that publicly so that they could cash out as much as possible. That's the simple truth here.
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lubosdz wrote:

There is no team behind PHPEd, just one developer. And due to too many alternative IDEs as well as XDebug they stopped active development of PHPEd

...and you know this how? Are you working for NuSphere? Are in close relations with someone working at NuSphere?
All you said above is just a fake.
I'm not alone working here at NuSphere. project is not stopped and XDebug you mentioned is far behind from technology point of view, otherwise we'd have very little chances to exist last ~20 years after it was released.

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Joined: 30 May 2006
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dmitri wrote:
lubosdz wrote:

There is no team behind PHPEd, just one developer. And due to too many alternative IDEs as well as XDebug they stopped active development of PHPEd

...and you know this how? Are you working for NuSphere? Are in close relations with someone working at NuSphere?
All you said above is just a fake.
I'm not alone working here at NuSphere. project is not stopped and XDebug you mentioned is far behind from technology point of view, otherwise we'd have very little chances to exist last ~20 years after it was released.

Well, Dmitri, let's be honest here - what else can one think after no responses from nusphere and no major releases since last 1.5 year?
In spite of all those reported issues and suggested improvements ... nothing happened.
So it really looks like it's a dead end project or has some very serious existential issues. If so - why not announcement so people know what's to expect? Anything is better than silence.
If there are more developers - how many .. ? Would be nice to know more about developers and build up confidence into the company.
And if I am wrong here - do you have some good news when is PHP 8.1 support for debugger going out ? (released in 12/2021)
If not, then again - it's just a talk.
Also what do you mean by "XDebug you mentioned is far behind from technology point of view" - I would be interested in more details ..
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It's ok to have some opinion, nothing wrong with that, but what you said above does not look like an opinion, it's a very strong statement that sounds like you know the truth and just share it:

There is no team behind PHPEd, just one developer.

You can compare yourself:
And due to too many alternative IDEs as well as XDebug they stopped active development of PHPEd

it really looks like it's a dead

That's the difference. First is nothing else but fake. Latter is an acceptable opinion, just an opinion based on observed performance with no real knowledge of facts behind the scene.

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Joined: 24 Jun 2019
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Hi dmitri,

is it possible then to post to us some kind of roadmap for phped?
At least some bigger new features that we can expect in future?

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It does not matter what we want to develop and what our plans are, it matters what customers want to have and we do listen to customers. If you want to have some features - send your request to customer support or post it on the forum. That's how it works.
As of public plans - no, since we're not a public company and we're not open-source company that works for grants, we don't publish our plans.

The PHP IDE team
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