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Joined: 01 Aug 2014
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actually, Nusphere does exactly that. only, implement what THEY think is important Smile

I sent countless feature requests, and so far, in over than a decade, not one of them was done. And I made every single employer I worked for buy PHPEd licenses... still, nothing.
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yep, we have this board to collect ideas
but right now, while finishing next version, I'm more interested to know what existing features you're using the most -- can you share this info with me? what are those features you're using the most frequently or never om sca;e from 1 to 10?
Something like * remote project deverlopment * remote debugging * remote testing * profiling * embedded terminal * embedded browser(s) etc? Languages * php * js * css * scss * other ? you name the feature(s)

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Here's my shortlist of most used PHPEd features:

* local debugging - variables inspection (missing static variables here), immediate evaluation, watch tab, stack trace. "local debugging" here means running DBG session on my local machine, such as WAMP server or vagrant with virtualbox.
* local profiling + database profiling - very useful
* typehints & code completion for 1. PHP, 2. CSS, 3. JS
* search string recursively - some suggested improvements would be nice (e.g. better exclude directory filter - exclude /application/vendor etc.)

Wish could be better:

* HTML typehints - some standard keywords still not supported e.g. "placeholder" in <input type="text" placeholder="Your name ..">
* CSS typehints - some of CSS3 still not supported - e.g. transform
* more compliant PHPDoc comments parser - PhpEd does not recognize sometime syntax from other IDEs, must be adjusted
* static analysis - now everybody uses it (PhpStan) - perhaps a tip for integration

Features I don't use:

* remote debugging - because I cannot afford risky operations on production servers. Errors are always reproducible locally, we use virtualization to replicate production/live environment. We fix locally, then deploy to live server. Debugging has also performance hit 15-25% which is usually not affordable on live server. EDIT: since remote debugging includes also connecting to local virtual machine like vagrant/docker - then yes, we use remote debugging commonly.
* CVS source control - I wonder who uses it nowadays .. I use external TortoiseGit. Would be better to replace with git support.
* terminal - I always use external - putty or WinSCP.
* built-in browser - we use external always up-to-date version, for testing specific/older version/OS I would use Are there any specific advantages to using built-in browsers .. ?
* PHP encoder
* phpunit - I use external phar file, where I can configure which version to use. There are incompatabilities between phpunit 6-7-9, each supports different version of PHP, so switching is a must.
* publishing - I would setup git repo on target server (also live) and sync repos via "git pull". Rarely use FTP upload, and if so, then I use external tool eg. WinSCP.

Last edited by lubosdz on Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:45 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 01 Aug 2014
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* remote debugging (inspections, evalution, stack - all of it) - 100% of time I have PHPEd open (in my case "remote" means that PHP is in VirtualBox on the same Windows host)
* SFTP upload - always (keeping host codebase in sync with remote, not using Samba drive mapping)
* profiling - always do it when it's time to tune performance
* terminals - practically never (I use putty for that), only to debug the SSH connection
* local debugging/local PHP - never
* ssh keygen - never (I use putty for that)
* DB client - never (nothing beats Navicat)
* Unit testing/code coverage - never (using external tools)
* Refactor - never (cuz it never works the way I expect it to)

* I write all of CSS & JS in PHPEd, but I don't really rely on it to help with syntax checking or autocomplete
* PHP frameworks support - NEVER, not even once
* IDE autocomplete stubs for extra frameworks/libs I need - always
* SCSS - never
* HTML preview/design - never
* Embedded browsers - never

I'll list bugs and most desired features if you assure me you will at least discuss them with me.
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thank you!

so basically this is all about debugger and sometimes code completion in php

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Joined: 09 Feb 2017
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I concur.

List of features I use frequently:
- Code completion and dynamic highlighting, declaration lookups (it would be especially nice if multiple projects can be easily included into code completion at once, as sometimes large project is split, and there's a need to use code completion for all stuff from multiple subprojects without using 'additional directories' to do it)
- Remote profiling, many many many thanks for the feature, it saves a bloody lot of CPU churn Smile
- Workspaces (especially useful feature, would be nice if workspaces can also optionally include their own *list* of projects, like loading another project list file, instead of just selecting a project in single existing list)
- Local PHP
- Code coverage
- CSS, JS, HTML completion
- Embedded PHP docs - would be very nice if there was online variant of it loading online manual pages or periodically refreshing contents from online pages
- Code re-indentation
- Directory search & replace, regular expressions included (it would be nice to have some optional file contents cache for consecutive searches as i.e. remote searches over SMB are slow enough)
- Document split, floating editor windows (on multiple monitors), would be interesting to have floating split variant where the same file is split off to separate window
- Debugger (although rarely)

List of features I don't use at all:
- Refactoring
- Remote SSH access and terminals
- Database access (although if there was i.e. embedded PHPMyAdmin, it would be nice addition)
- Frameworks support
- HTML preview
- Embedded browser
- Code folding (always working in unfold everything mode)
- Class and method map, code snippets
- Publishing
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Joined: 30 May 2006
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dmitri wrote:
thank you!

so basically this is all about debugger and sometimes code completion in php

Life cycle of each product requires optimizations in time.
What worked fine some time ago, may be outdated today - that's normal & by dropping outdated features the efforts can be better refocused to more demanded features.

IDE is good and the debugger unbeatable regarding the speed.
Some features may be dropped and some improved, that's how I see it after 10 years of usage.
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Can we please have an update on 8.1 support - do you think it will be ready by May?

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thanks for question.
Support for php-8.1 is already finished in current development version, including CC/Find Declaration/Tooltips/Debugger/Profiler.
Identified some issues with callstacks the debugger shows for fibers but they are really minor. So overall, looks iike it's ready for the release.
But, recently many customers asked to update built-in Chrome browser. It sounds very reasonable especially since I promised that update. So we're working on this upgrade at the moment.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 01 Aug 2014
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thanks, dmitri. can't wait.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2017
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dmitri wrote:
thanks for question.
Support for php-8.1 is already finished in current development version, including CC/Find Declaration/Tooltips/Debugger/Profiler.
Identified some issues with callstacks the debugger shows for fibers but they are really minor. So overall, looks iike it's ready for the release.
But, recently many customers asked to update built-in Chrome browser. It sounds very reasonable especially since I promised that update. So we're working on this upgrade at the moment.

Can't wait for release indeed.
I totally understand amount of debugger work fibers have brought in, so no wonder it takes a good deal of time.
Thanks for the hard work!
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Sorry, we stuck for a while with Chromium 99 update. We dodn't expect so many issues with it. They mostly are caused by the fact that Chromium framework has moved ahead a lot and we had to catch up. Good news -- all the issues we faced, are resolved now, except one -- it looks like either it's running some telemetry or it's a some other feature with an unknown purpose -- it calls google periodically. Personally, I don't like this and I believe you wouldn't either unless it's turned off or disabled.
Fibers in debugger - debugger works. Volunteers are welcome if they want to try before the release.

The PHP IDE team
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PHP 8.1 support
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