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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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Please tell me when could I press any button to stop debuging the production site using those steps:

1. I reboot (cannot be cleaner!)
2. I start phped, the project "project_local" is active
3. I start Firefox and go on my prod site "".. No problem, it doesn't try to debug it and that's perfect because I didn't ask to debug it.
4. I add "?DBGSESSID=1@clienthost:7869" to the url: "" in firefox: phped activates itself and ask me if I want to switch to project "project_prod" for debugging. That is ok since I asked for debugging by using "?DBGSESSID=1@clienthost:7869" in the url.
5. I debug the prod site and it works great.

==> Now I do not want to debug the prod site anymore. I want to be able to browse it, in firefox, without triggering phped at all. My debugging needs are over for the production site.

6. I activate "project_local" in phped. I debug the local project and it works great.
7. But then I go on the prod site, using firefox: "". I don't use "?DBGSESSID=1@clienthost:7869" anymore, just the root url. I don't want to debug the prod site at this point, I just want to browse it normally. But phped activates itself and I get a couple of those error pop-ups:

Failes to map "/usr/local/apache/www/myproject/FILE.php" remote file to local file system.

For more details on how to setup project mapping visit nusphere site.


So when would you press "stop"?? I don't understand.
At #7, phped shouldn't activate itself since I do not ask to debug at all, I'm just trying to browse the prod site.

Thanks for the help.
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At #7, phped shouldn't activate itself since I do not ask to debug at all

Your request to debug seats in the FireFox, so even if you close PhpED, it will try to debug until you close that particular browser window or open an URL with DBGSESSID=-1.
If you don't want browser to remeber your request, turn off debug sessions in the debugger settings or add c=0 to the DBGSESSID, like below:

Regarding Stop button in the IDE, it stops debug session only for embedded browsers (FF and IE).

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
Posts: 76
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Ah! Now it's clear..

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multiple Parallel debugging sessions
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