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Encoding of Smarty Templates.

Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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Does NuCoder also support the encoding of smarty templates?
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Smarty templates are containing text that is intending for processing by Smarty class.
Certainly, Smarty class knows nothing about encoding-decoding. It works with source text and only.

In other words, even if we get tpl files encoded, in order to get them working we'd have to decode files into original source form before passing to Smarty class. Therefore anybody will get good chance to get files decoded.

On the other hand, what Smarty produces after parsing (see smarty cache directory) are php files and they can be encoded and provided to the user. In this case tpl files would not be needed at all.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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Thanx for your reply but I do not understand your answer.

When I have encoded my php files, and put them on-line, then still everybody can view the generated HTML code.
It would be nice if nucoder provides support for encoding smarty TPL files.
Would it be possible to encode php scripts that calls smarty?

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Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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Hi ,
I have found out that ioncube has a solution for encoding smarty.

I would like to have all products from one company, so I can use phped for development and in future I can use phped to encode my php files. Can you provide me with a solution on how i can encode smarty (template_c folder) by using nucoder?


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Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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Hi it's me again,
I am sorry, don't want to go on your nerves, I guess I was drunk yesterday when I wrote the last two postings.
What I am trying to say is that I love working with phped and it would be really great if encoding and development could be done with one product. Nucoder is not so expansive as other encoding products on the market and it is developed by you so too me it has all the potential to become a great product, and that is why I want to use it. The only problem I have is, that I am using smarty template engine to develop my applications.

Now I also understand what you meant with smarty cache, I could compile all templates I have created and then encode the files which are stored in the template_c folder, maybe for small projects this is a good idea but for big projects I am not so sure. I have found out that the developers from ioncube have such a module created that can encode on the fly smarty template files.

So my question to you is:
1. Are you also planning to develop a module that can encode smarty templates for nucoder?
2. If not, would it be possible, in some way to use nucoder to encode smarty templates?

Maybe you have a solution for question two.
That was all I wanted to say with my last two postings.
Thank you very much for helping.
Best regards

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I'm not familiar with that solution.
On the first glance, they offer to replace smarty _read_file function with ther's where files are read and decoded on the fly when smarty needs them.
It looks like it's not what you're expecting. If file can be that easily decoded into the original (source) form, nothing could stop user from getting the source.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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First of all I would like to wish the whole NuSphere Team a Happy new year ,
So I could use nucoder to encode already compiled files which have been copied to the template_c folder.
I will download nucoder and try it out.

Or is there another solution you can recommend me?
All the best wishes for 2007 and keep on doing the good work.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2006
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Hi Robert - we wish you and all other members of PhpED/PhpDock/Nu-Coder community all the best in 2007 as well, thank you very much for doing business with us!
Yes, encoding the generated files seems like the best solution with Nu-Coder.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
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What is the point of encoding smart templates ?

Normally you would let the smart templates be unencoded, so users are able to change the layout of the applications using only the smart template files.

As long as the rest of the application is encoded then what is the problem.
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Joined: 27 Dec 2006
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Yeah that is exactly what I meant with my second posting.
I guess that I only need to encode the PHP files and leave the *.tpl files as they are.

Everybody has the possibility to view the HTML code of a site in a web browser.
So it is possible to encode the php files which are calling smarty template files.
Hhhmm .........that was the thing I wanted to know, if had tested it before posting the question then we did not had such a nice conversation.

Thank you very much for this discussion.
I will test this with Nucode I am sure that it will work.

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Encoding of Smarty Templates.
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