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Can't get debugger to work

Joined: 15 Aug 2006
Posts: 2
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I can't get the debugger to work - it keeps timing out. I am doing all my work on my windows laptop. I am using the 3rd Party web server mode. Everything else appears to be working except the debugger.

I've followed all the instructions via the faq. Here's what I've done so far

I've installed PHPDbgPS7.dll in the extension directory shown by the PHPini file.
I've edited the Phpini file to include the following:-

zend_extension_ts = "C:\Program Files\xampp\php\ext\PHPDbgPS7.dll"
zend_extension_ts = "C:\Program Files\xampp\php\zendOptimizer\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll"
zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts = "C:\Program

zend_optimizer.enable_loader = 0
;zend_optimizer.license_path =
; Local Variables:
; tab-width: 4
; End:

debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16

The PHP DBG Listener is running in my system tray. When I telnet to it it using it records the connection.

What do I do next to get the debugger to work? Without it I can't see much value in buying the product.

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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sorry, but where PHPDbgPS7.dll is mentioned as a debugger? It's a pure client side library, a gateway between listener and IDE.
Debugger modules are libraries located in phped\debugger\server subdirectory and in case of Windows, they all are php_dbg.dll-*.
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Joined: 25 Jul 2006
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Location: Germany
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please read the 2 last postings in below thread as well for additional help:

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Can't get debugger to work
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