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Don't Understand HOWTO: Set project mapping

Joined: 09 Aug 2006
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I am running local Apache server on my desktop for local development. I want to run my scripts in external browser with following type of (virtural pointing) URL:


Instead, I am getting:


I looked at directions located at: howto-set-project-mapping-t2135.html

But, I do not understand how to apply these mapping changes in Nusphere. Can someone walk me through it step by step.

I'm a newbie so I need clear instructions.

Thank you.
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Project Properties Window

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I forgot to mention that in the Project Properties Window, I have the following:

C:\Program Files\nusphere\phped\Projects\project1.ppj

Root Directory:
c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\Affirmative_Action

Mapping: Run Mode
HTTP mode (SRV local WEB server)

But, Root URL: and Remote root directory: the text boxes are greyed out and no input can be added.
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From the PhpED IDE perspectives, Apache is a 3rd party web server. Therefore you have to change Run Mode to "HTTP/3rd party web server".
All the details on how to set project properties are described in the following FAQ topics:

and don't forget to install Debugger for php that is run by Apache:
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Debug Not Working After Setup Mapping For Localhost

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I am a newbie to PHP/Apache/Nusphere. I am running Apache locally. My debugger appeared to be working until I set up the Mapping for my localhost.

In Project Properties, under Mapping, I did the following:

Run Mode: HTTP: mode (3rd party WEB server)
Root URL: http://localhost/Affirmative_Action/
Remote root directory: c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\Affirmative_Action

Now, when I run my script I am getting this message that the Debugger is timing out, and pop-up window:

Failed to start debug sesson (timeout). Please verify if debugger module is installed on the server that corresponds to "Http://localhost/Affirmative_Action/Forms/AA_Tracking_No.php5" URL

I placed the phpinfo.php script in c:\apache group\apache2\htdocs\Affirmative_Action\

When I run phpinfo.php I see "Debug Build" set to no. I also see a report_zend_debug as on.

Can someone help me. I am trying to read the directions on but am having problems trying to understand them. Again, my debugger appeared to be working prior to resetting my mappings.
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"Debug build" has no relation to php debugger. It's an indication if you have debug version of php, in other words when it is compiled with debug symbols turned on. Again, there is no relation to php debugging at all Smile

Regarding mapping etc. You need php debugger installed on your Apache and lists steps you have to follow. Let know if there are any _particular_ problems with it.
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Can't get Debugger to work

Joined: 09 Aug 2006
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I am not sure when you say install on Apache as in following the Nusphere directions, I could not find an extensions folder in Apache, but do find it in c:\php\ext

In following Nusphere's directions, here is what I did:

I copied the debugger module from c:\program files\nusphere\phped\debugger\server\Win32\i686\php_dgb.dll-5.1

I copied it into c:\php\ext\php_dgb.dll-5.1

Then, in php.ini under C:\windows\php.ini, the following was added (Note: my php.ini file is first read from C:\windows\:


Then, in trying to follow the debugger install documentation from nusphere, I added the following (my only change was to add localhost as I am running my development environment on my personal Notebook running Windows XP.

debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16

I rebooted my system. Tried to run debug, and still got the timeout.

I ran phpinfo.php and to see if debugger is turned on, but I don't know if I know the exact wording I should be looking for. But, anyway the debugger is still timing out.
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what you posted is full of little mistakes.
Not dgb but dbg, not php_dbg-5.1 but php_dbg-5.1.x, etc.

Then, in php.ini under C:\windows\php.ini,

Fine, but did you make sure that php loads php.ini from this directory?
According to the instructions you have to check phpinfo() for this.

I ran phpinfo.php and to see if debugger is turned on, but I don't know if I know the exact wording I should be looking for

Well, DBG it is.
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Still not working - Please Help

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I checked phpinfo.ini and it appears that my php.ini is being loaded via c:\php. I had thought it was via Windows because I was working with another Nusphere Tech support person who I sent my phpinfo output to and they told me it was windows.

Anyway, I have the following added to both php.ini files in C:\Windows\ and c:\php\ as a precaution.


And, my debugger is still timing out after doing reboot.

Please help.

Thank you.
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Can I email you my phpinfo and php.ini for your review

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I was working with Nusphere Yury. I was wondering if this forum is supported by Nusphere's own in-house tech support. I would like to send you a copy of the php.ini and phpinfo.html output.

Can I get an email address to send to you? Yury let me send him emails.

Please advise.
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Dear Janice,

does not look correct, at least if you did not change the file name.
Original file name of the debugger for php 5.1 is php_dbg.dll-5.1.x
Make sure you spelt it right.

After you make any changes to php.ini, do not forget to run
apache.exe -k stop
followed by
apache.exe -k start
and check if the changes are reflected in phpinfo().

BTW, I was told that you installed XAMPP.
As I know XAMPP comes with php.ini located in APACHE's directory and this php.ini should be used.
Did you alter Apache configuration or deleted php.ini in that directory?
Also, I'm not sure why c:\php\ext would become the extension directory.
In XAMPP there is a special directory for all php extensions and it's where you need to copy php_dbg.dll-5.1.x

I'd recommend you to delete php.ini from C:\php, delete php.ini from c:\Windows, re-install XAMPP and then contact me or Yury with phpinfo() output.
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Could you please define XAMPP

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I am not sure what you mean by XAMPP. Could you please define for me.

Also, as I stated earlier, my Debugger was working until I changed the mapping in Project Properties. Do you think there is something else going on here?

I will go ahead and try what you have said.

Thank you.
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I looked for php.ini in my apache directory but not there

Joined: 09 Aug 2006
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I ran a search for php.ini in my apache directory and it does not exist. Please advise me where this php.ini is supposed to be in the apache directory... please give complete path.

thank you.
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Don't Understand HOWTO: Set project mapping
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