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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
Posts: 186
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Wow what great news.

I am about to buy IonCube within the next 2 months.
Ioncube has 2 great features.

1. It is supported by my host, as well as the Zend encoder.
2. It is possible to generate runtime licenses using PHP in combination with the exec.

Now if I could get an honest answer to my following two questions I would not hesitate and get the license while the price is low.

1. When will the license system for nu-coder be released ?
2. What is the performance compared to IonCube ?

I love PhpEd, and the support is beyond great. So I would not doubt that nu-coder is going to be number one, but how long is it going to be Smile
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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In NuCoder development loop, our next steps are (in no specific order):
support for end-user licensing, 64bit and MSB platforms, obfuscation and gui.

Regarding ISP, I believe they will support PhpExpress.

Regarding other solutions, I'd recommend you to compare performance with the code below:


function run_sort() {
    global $data;

    $data = array('1st', '5th', '2nd', '4th', '3rd', '7th', '6th');
    $sort = array(1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6);
    array_multisort($sort, $data);

for ($i = 1; $i < 1000; $i++) {


and it may make sense to check the results this code returns from a clear php script and from an encoded php file.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 11 Aug 2006
Posts: 15
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Hello dmitri,

I was wondering if you have any timeframe for the achievements and usability of those next steps of the development loop of nucoder.

I'll have 2 projects that I will have to roll out on the first term of 2007 and I would need licensing, obfuscation, (not necessarily, but nice to have it->packaging).

Currently Nucoder does not provide me those solutions and the only product that I am looking at now, is the Ioncube encoder and the package foundry as a useful addon.
Though I am already a very happy PHPEd Advantage user and I probably will also be purchasing PHPDock, I have this dillema about the encoding/licensing/packaging issue.

Could you provide any timeframe or any info on the development of Nucoder?

Thank you and have a healthy and happy 2007.

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