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Zend Optimizer and Debugging Problem

Joined: 17 Oct 2003
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I am evaluating phpED. The editor works great, but I have an issue with debugging. I'm running locally on a Windows XP computer using IIS and MySql. I had PHP v4.1.2 installed prior to installation of phpED, which I have to support an application while I develop a new version. Due to some XML/XSLT issues, it won't run currently in 4.3.3.
I use a 3rd party library which is encoded and requires me to use the ZendOptimizer.

* If my debug session is setup to use PHP 4.3.3, which phpED installed, it doesn't load the Optimizer so I can't debug past the load of the library files. If I manually add the [Zend] section to the php.ini file, it still doesn't work. I uninstalled/reinstalled ZendOptimizer and it only sees my original php.ini file, not the new one.

* If I point my debugger to use my existing PHP 4.1.2 installation and php.ini file, I get the following error:

Failed to start debug session (timeout)
Please verify settings for the local debugger module.

If I can figure out the debugging issue, I plan to purchase phpED. Anyone have any suggestions?
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If you run encoded files, you won't be able to debug them anyway, just because you don't have sources. Regarding the rest stuff, I think threre should not be any problems. Try to comment out and add or zend_extension_ts=php_dbg.dll-4.1.2 if you run your server under windows. Then open phpinfo results and make sure that everything dbg is listed there.
If you got any further problems please read PHPED 3.2 FAQ and if you still can't resolve the problem please contact me by email support AT nusphere DOT com.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2003
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I'll try what you suggest. The only files I have that are encoded are the ones in the 3rd party library I have. I shouldn't need to debug those, but I don't have un-encoded source for them.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2003
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I just installed a copy of PHPEdit v0.8.0.25 to check it out. I installed DBG and I was able to get it to work fine with ZendOptimizer. It broke my install of phpED though. PHPEdit installed version 2.11 of DBG where phpED has version 2.14.

I uninstalled both apps and reinstalled phpED and I still get the same (timeout) issue.

I'd still prefer to get phpED to work. Any ideas?
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Send me phpinfo results and php.ini file.
I think, the problem is with server part.
Also, please send me screenshots of phped settings on IDE tab and project settings.

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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According to php.ini you have the following lines related to ZO:
zend_extension_ts="C:\Program Files\Zend\lib\ZendExtensionManager.dll"
zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts="C:\Program Files\Zend\lib\Optimizer-2.1.0"

Correct them to
zend_extension_ts="C:\Program Files\Zend\lib\Optimizer-2.1.0\php-4.3.x\ZendOptimizer.dll"

and php_dbg.dll-4.3.3 should be loaded using
not zend_extension_ts=...
as I suggested before.
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Zend Optimizer and Debugging Problem
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