View | Full Screen is great, however, it lacks in several ways. First, one cannot view full screen and then add (for instance) the File Bar toolbar to the workspace ... I don't understand why we can't do that, but I'm sure it relates to View | Full Screen.
Anyway my suggestion/request is this:
Add a "Workspace Manager" like in Adobe Photoshop where we can define workspaces by adding/moving/rearranging the miscellaneous toolbars and windoids and palettes just how we like them, then go to:
Window | Workspace where we can:
- Add New Workspace
- Delete a Workspace
- Set current Workspace as default
- separator -----------
- Default PhpEd Workspace
- Debugging Workspace
- Minimal Workspace (full screen + file tab toolbar)
- (user defined workspace1)
- (user defined workspace2)
It is vital to this feature that it remembers EVERYTHING about the configuration of our toolbars, windows, windoids, etc,. Down to the last pixel!
Then, with this feature, it would be great to have a hotkey assign the workspace. So for instance we could assign our custom workspace to hotkey CTRL-SHIFT-F11 that we like to use.
It would be very very very helpful and would be much more productive environment. The "Default" workspace would be the one used when a new project is created, etc.
Maybe since the term "workspace" is already used, you could call it something else, like "Work Area" or something I don't know. But if you call it workspace, I think that may be a bit confusing since there is already a workspace in PhpEd.
Btw, I still can't order my additional license!

I've tried for 2 weeks now. I know you guys are in a state of transition, but I need to get my additional license ASAP.