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Workplace restore incorrect (4617)

Joined: 25 Jul 2006
Posts: 28
Location: Germany
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Good morning,

here's something that I find annoying over the last couple of days after having started with phpED (my apologies if this has already been reported):

restoration of the previous session's workspace (e.g. restart of phpEd) does not correctly restore the cursor position and/or topmost visible line for each file and the newly set current line is not even visible (need to move the cursor first).

This is reproducable with both "normal" and "maximized" window move:
* when starting up with "normal" window state, the "old" cursor location is one line _below_ the last visible editor line;
* in "maximized" startup window mode the restored line numbers are wrong (somewhere "near" the old line, though).

My impression is that when phpEd starts up, it restores cursor position immediately *before* it maximizes the window and therefore the restored cursor position is not accurately calculated?
In my own windows applications I restore the topmost visible line and cursor location after showing up of the application.

My workspace is set up like this:
* phpEd is running maximized on secondary screen which has a higher resolution than the main screen
* options "Auto save workspace" and "Load last workspace..." are both set active
* the "Log" window is pinned below the editor (none else)
* the "old" cursor positions were somewhere in the file, not top or bottom
* phpEd Build 4617 on WinXP Pro SP2

Unfortunately bookmarks of the files are not restored at all, that would be awesome to have eventually.

Maybe above points are easy to investigate/achieve and I'd love to see that for the next update.

Thanks in advance for looking into this.

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Joined: 25 Jul 2006
Posts: 28
Location: Germany
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Hello Dmitri,

THANKS a LOT for having this fixed/implemented with build 4619!

You guys rock! Smile

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You're welcome Smile
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Workplace restore incorrect (4617)
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