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While debugging, local file mapping fails...

Joined: 09 Dec 2003
Posts: 3
Location: Compiègne, France
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I've got a mapping problem. When a script is launched on the server, the debugger is launched but cannot find the local file attached to the server script....

So, i have a "Failed to find local file "/var/www/html/claroline/test.php" corresponding to "/var/www/html/claroline/test.php" remote file, althrough the "Remote root directory" parameter is set to "/var/www/html/". the mapping isn't done and phpEd searches for a unix path on my local computer without replacing the begining of the path.

Details beyond:

I've got a linux server (http://claroline, apache, php with php debugger lib) and a phpED trial.

In phpED, I've got an active project with these settings
Root Directory : C:\Program Files\nusphere\phpED\Projects\project2
Account: <ftp account pointing to to dvlpt dir : /var/www/html/, at ftp root : "/">
Top publishing directory : "/"
Run Mode : HTTP mode (remote web server)
Root URL : http://claroline/
Remote root directory : /var/www/html/

Can anyone help ?
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Please tell me how do you run debug session ?

As I understand you'd open
C:\Program Files\nusphere\phpED\Projects\project2\claroline\test.php
and press "Run in debugger" or step-in.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2003
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Location: Compiègne, France
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no, in fact, I just run the script on a normal browser and the execution is "caught" by the debugger in phpED. The debugging session starts but, in the log, I've got the mapping error message, so, either the debug session halt imediatly (no breakpoints, so execution is fast) or I've got a temporary file (non mapped file) to debug (if in the settings I disable mapping error blabla....)

So, I can debug in the second case, but it is not very user friendly to be obliged to set up breakpoints at each execution. I would prefer the mapping to work Wink

I can send you a screenshot if it can help you.

Thanks a lot for your help
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ok, thanks
I'll have a look.
In case of any problems, we'll fix them in the next release
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Joined: 09 Dec 2003
Posts: 3
Location: Compiègne, France
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Here is a sample walkthrough....
have I made a mistake ?

With my project configuration, I excpect the begining of the server path to be replaced by my project local directory....

thanks again
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While debugging, local file mapping fails...
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