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WebDAV: Socket Error #0

Joined: 20 Jul 2005
Posts: 6
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I've just started looking at PhpED to replace Dreamweaver, and so far its a shoe in. I'm having one small problem however, that noone else seems to be getting.

I've set up mod_dav on my apache 1.3.27 servers (Solaris) and am using PhpED to publish files on it. For the most part, it works brilliantly and is especially fast (yay!) but every time I hit Ctrl-Shift-S to push the file, I get a "Error / Socket Error #0" error. If I OK the error and hit Ctrl-Shift-S again, it works fine. If I wait another 10 seconds or so, it will give me that error if i try Ctrl-Shift-S again (before 10 seconds, it works without erroring). Is there a connection thats timing out here?

I've checked the Apache access_log. When the error occurs, there is nothing written in the log by Apache. On the second go, it all works fine and Apache logs the PUT.

I've put a screenshot of the error here:

Anyone else getting these errors? Its an anoyance on what otherwise looks to be a great product.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Please try to disable keep-alive for the VHost where you have webdav.
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WebDAV: Socket Error #0
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