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[resolved] Waiting cvs ...

Joined: 08 Dec 2007
Posts: 7
Location: Munich, Germany
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Hi All,

I'm just trying to get my feet wet with cvs and I seem to have succeeded so far, that everyting seems to work form a command line, even the commands PhpED (5.2 by the way) issues when pasted into a command line window.
The cvs repository lies on a linux box, cvs is set up to use ssh and the user for the session needs to input a password that I of course entered into the window for the cvs settings.
All I get from PhpED when trying to do anything related to cvs is the message in the subject, it sitts there forever (well, at least longer than I'm willing to wait) and nothing actually happens.
Does anyone have any idea as to what I could be doing wrong?

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cvs can work with ssh in two different ways:
1) with :ext: protocol, cvs opens ssh shell session and runs remote cvs executable as if it was local protocol.
2) with :pserver: protocol, cvs works with remote cvs pserver daemon through ssh tunnel.
which one do you use?

Also, do you use cvs.exe that came with phped or the one that you've installed yourself?
and finally, what are the settings you have in the project properties on the CVS tab and tools->settings->external tools, ssh executable?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2007
Posts: 7
Location: Munich, Germany
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Hi Dmitri,

thanks a lot for your reply.

I just now discovered, that I have to learn to crawl before I may start learning to walk to get to the water where I may try to get my feet wet.
There are a lot of basics I have not the faintest idea about, so, if you don't mind, I'll get back later, when a few more fundamentals are clear.

Sorry for bugging you!
Kind regards

PS: I was using cvs.exe that came alog with cvsnt, will rty with the one that comes with phped later
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Joined: 08 Dec 2007
Posts: 7
Location: Munich, Germany
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Hi Dmitri,

just to let you know:
I still haven't got too much of an idea of what I'm doing, but switching to the cvs executable you provide and following the steps outlined in the help, I ended up with a working system.

Lesson to be learned: RTFM is always worth to be considered!

Thank you very much for this marvelous product, it's sure worth every cent it costs.
( A graphical DIFF still would be nice, though Wink )

Merry christmas to you, your family and your staff!

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[resolved] Waiting cvs ...
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