Joined: 27 Apr 2007 |
Posts: 72 |
Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 5:05 am |
Usefull script of my daily use. I suggest to attach it to hotkey, mine is CTRL-F5.
In integration:
type: SHELL
command: c:\php\phped\php5\php.exe c:\php\integrationScripts\RunTestsInFile.php
shortcut: Ctrl-F5
Check: Work with editor, take input from editor, whole text, redirect output strem to log window.
Any ideas welcome!
* This script searches current sources, finds all phpdocs tags @test and
* runs ALL phpunit tests at once. The output of phpunit is reduced
* and for successfull test only 1 line is shown. (Unsuccessfull test output is shown).
* As last line of output you can see overall result of all tests run.
* You should set paths to phpunit.bat (in pear directory) and default path
* to your test.
* You can use phpdoc tag @testdir to specify location of your test directory
* (without trailing /).
* Searches php source for PhpDoc tags @test and @testdir.
* Runs PhpUnit on selected files. Shortens output.
/* Example comment */
* Please note that this comment can be anywhere in the file.
* There can be more then one comment.
* @test /relative/path/to/MyPhpUnitTest.php - default test path will be used
* @test c:\absolute\path\to\MyPhpUnitTest.php - absolute path
* @testdir c:\mytests - from now, all relative @test tags are relative to c:\mytests
* @test /othertest/anotherTest.php - will run c:\mytests\othertest\anotherTest.php
class TestRunner {
public $pearCmd = "c:\\work\\libs\\pear\\phpunit.bat";
public $testBase = 'c:\\work\\projects\\adastra-nette\\tests';
public function run($content)
$testfiles = $this->getTestFiles($content);
if (count($testfiles) === 0) {
echo "No test files found in source!";
$overallBadCnt = 0;
foreach ($testfiles as $testfile) {
if (!file_exists($testfile)) {
echo "Test file not found: '$testfile'\n";
//execute test
$cmdline = $this->pearCmd . " " . $testfile;
$lastLine = exec($cmdline, $output, $returnVar);
if (substr($lastLine, 0, 2) !== 'OK') {
echo $this->bar($testfile) ."\n";
$overallBadCnt ++;
foreach ($output as $ln) {
if(trim($ln)) {
echo $ln . "\n";
echo $this->bar() ."\n";
} else {
echo $lastLine .", Test file: '" . $testfile . "'". "\n";
} else {
if (count($testfiles)>1) {
echo "ALL " . count($testfiles) . " TESTS PASSED, CONGRATULATIONS!";
} else {
* Returns bar with message (optional).
* @param string $message
* @param int $len
* @param string $char
* @return string
public function bar($message=NULL, $len=80,$char='=')
$message = trim($message);
if (strlen($message) === 0)
return str_repeat($char,$len);
echo $llen;
$llen = ($len - strlen($message)) / 2;
$message = str_pad(str_repeat($char,$llen) . " " . $message ." ", $len, $char);
return $message;
* Search for @test and @testdir directives in PhpDoc comments.
* @param string $contents Php source
* @return array found test files to run
public function getTestFiles($contents)
$tokens = token_get_all($contents);
$testfiles = array();
foreach ($tokens as $token)
if ($token[0] === T_DOC_COMMENT)
$content = explode("\n",$token[1]);
foreach ($content as $line) {
if (preg_match('/\A[\s]*\\*[\s]*@test[\\s]+([\\-\\/\\.\\w\\:\\\]+\\.php)/', $line, $regs)) {
$phpfile = $regs[1];
$phpfile = str_replace('/','\\',$phpfile);
//absolute or relative?
if(substr($phpfile,0,1) === '\\') {
$testfiles[] = $this->testBase . $phpfile;
} else {
$testfiles[] = $phpfile;
if (preg_match('/\A[\s]*\\*[\s]*@testdir[\\s]+(\\-[\\/:\\\\.\\w]+)/', $line, $regs)) {
$this->testBase = $regs[1];
$this->testBase = str_replace('/', '\\', $this->testBase);
$testfiles = array_unique($testfiles);
return $testfiles;
$runner = new TestRunner();
Example of output:
OK (4 tests, 15 assertions), Test file: 'c:\work\projects\adastra-nette\tests\mybase\model\SimpleObjectStoreTest.php'
OK (3 tests, 38 assertions), Test file: 'c:\work\projects\adastra-nette\tests\mybase\NumericTextInputTest.php'