1. Jumping to other functions/classes could be much easier.
a. A dropdown showing all functions and classes in current file. Cursor jumps there when selected.
b. A shortcut key that is “project aware”. Hitting this key with the cursor on a function/method/instance would jump you to it’s corresponding definition/prototype even if in another file.
I use these in VC all the time, they are sorely missed here!!
2. Code Completion needs to be improved - does not support classes or methods.
Because I try to write OOP style programming, I use classes almost exclusively, even for static functions, just to take them out of the global namespace. Unfortunately nothing shows up with auto-complete. VC has really spoiled me here. Especially when using nested class instances via composition like: $Display->screen->draw->circle($arg);
3. An improved code browser showing all classes/functions (not just opened files) and constants.
Still overall - very impressed. Very usable.
Zany Dog