I have a widescreen laptop, and therefore the following docking configuration is very convenient:
| | | |
| | B | C |
| | | |
| A +--------+--------+
| | |
| | D |
| | |
Version 3.3 docking configuration
Pane "A" contains the documents, "B" contains the "Code Explorer", "C" contains the regular explorer, various help functions and watches, while D contains all the "full-width" dockable windows (stack trace, log etc.)
In 4.5, however, I'm unable to place B and C side by side, and I end up putting all of the windows from B and C into the larger pane E, as shown below:
| | |
| | E |
| | |
| A +--------+--------+
| | |
| | D |
| | |
Closest fit in version 4.5
My question is therefore: Is the above configuration at all possible with the updated docking code? (Does it require some sort of secret handshake, like holding down the Ctrl key while dragging?)