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Joined: 18 Dec 2021
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I am sorry to report that with the latest update (19540 64 bit) the problem of the slow start of the program has reappeared. It occours more than 1 minute to load.
No changes have occurred in my computer and operating system in these days.
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There are no changes related to performance on our end. You may want to investigate it closer what's going on on your machine, like memory pressure, CPU pressure, swap file pressure, disk utilization etc.

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No overhead, no cache issues. No operating system problems (windows 8.1, 8GB, 1TB).
When programming, I only use PhpED, and WampServer. Even without Wampserver, the problem persists, even when restarting the system without launching the server.
The question is: why did the previous update eliminate this problem, and now it has come back instead?
Unknown mysteries of computer science Smile
Aside from this hassle, PhpED is a great program, congratulations!
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I didn't say anything about OS, amount of RAM or size of your disk. What I said - is how these resources _are_utilized_. If your disk is 100% utilized, you can't expect any good performance, same goes if your RAM is 100% utilized. As of CPU, it can feel slow even with 25% utilization.

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Nothing you assume is what happens on my computer.
The system is light, the HD is almost empty, the Ram is enough and more, and the processor works almost exclusively for Nusphere, Wamp server and Firefox (when I open it to run my projects locally).
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I didn't mean whether the disk is full or not. Disk utilization is more about disk throughput in terms of ops/sec and kb/sec compared to the max disk performance. If you open Task Manager -> Performance tab, it will show you CPU, Memory, Disk and Network card with corresponding charts. On Processes tab it will show how similar metrics per process.

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Joined: 18 Dec 2021
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It is evident that I am not able to explain to you in English that my system is not overloaded when I program with PHPEd.
I close this report here, hoping that the problem will resolve itself as it did with the previous update.
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I apologize, if offended. It still makes sense to get some metrics indicating what the system is doing when PhpED starts up. You indicated that in your cases CPU split between three processes -- PhpED, WAMP and FireFox. I think the other two can be excluded if you just stop them before running PhpED and check if it runs fast or not and check CPU, RAM and DISK utilization metrics (in percentage). If disk utilization is 50-70%, or even 30% you better check what processes is doing so.
If you're not interesting in root-causing the issue, maybe someone else can.

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Joined: 03 Feb 2008
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I recently upgraded to v20 and it starts up as it is expected - pretty fast. So v19 got something goofed up with itself. Everything is the same in my computer (Windows Defender, and everything else). So I don't think the trouble was in the computer "background".
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sorry, but no issues like this reported by anyone else. V19 worked and still works fast.

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Joined: 18 Dec 2021
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I fixed it by reinstalling the whole operating system. Now everything is fine.
Good job everyone!
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Joined: 18 Dec 2021
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Sorry to say, but the problem has come back.
The difference from last time is that now I have a more powerful computer (core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Windows11) so the problem is less annoying.
Before version 20033, as soon as I clicked the Nusphere icon, the program opened almost instantly, but now I have to wait at least 10 seconds. This happens only on the first launch, that is, after turning on the computer. If the computer remains on, I close and reopen Nusphere, it opens immediately.
Like when I had my old computer, Nusphere works with Wampserver, and since I installed Nusphere on this computer, the computer hasn't changed or installed any other special software.
I hope you manage to solve this situation sooner or later.
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v19536 Personal is so slow starting up - why?
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