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Using DebugBreak and Breakpoints to step into PHP services

Joined: 29 Mar 2013
Posts: 17
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I use PHP to write JSON services. Clients use JavaScript/AJAX to send/receive raw data, thus I don't have the option to use urls with DBGSESSID parameters. DebugBreak has therefore been a life saver. However, I had to set debugger.JIT_enabled=On to allow my Breakpoints to work.

And that got me to thinking ... it would be so nice if I did not have to sprinkle DebugBreak calls everywhere. Why can't I simply add a Breakpoint (I have mine set to F5) and it automatically DebugBreak at that location? Am I using DebugBreak as intended? Is there a better way?
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Clients use JavaScript/AJAX to send/receive raw data, thus I don't have the option to use urls with DBGSESSID parameters

Why? What prevents you from adding DBGSESSID to the URL?

However, I had to set debugger.JIT_enabled=On to allow my Breakpoints to work

This is a totally different feature that has no relation to breakpoints at all

Why can't I simply add a Breakpoint (I have mine set to F5) and it automatically DebugBreak at that location?

because you set these breakpoints in the IDE and it's necessary to start debug session first to have this info passed to the debugger module running on the server, then they will trigger in this session.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 29 Mar 2013
Posts: 17
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dmitri wrote:


Clients use JavaScript/AJAX to send/receive raw data, thus I don't have the option to use urls with DBGSESSID parameters

Why? What prevents you from adding DBGSESSID to the URL?

Well, in at least one instance I was not in control of the client. In other situations it is just as invasive to edit the client code to append DBGSESSID (and then remember to remove it) as adding a DebugBreak statement. Anyway, just thinking out loud. It would be nice to set a Breakpoint and have the IDE automatically break. Perhaps it could add or remove hidden DebugBreak statements. Upon IDE close scan the project and remove them all. Just a wish I guess.
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Using DebugBreak and Breakpoints to step into PHP services
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