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Updated NuSphere and now features are "missing"

Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Just noticed that 4.0.1 (b4060) was available and updated (was previously on whatever was before b4058 ). After the install I launched NuSphere to continue working on my project only to discover that several features are now "missing"

The biggest one, and I apologize for not knowing the correct name, is the Type Hints. Basically, if I type out a function, then put my cursor inside of the parentheses, a small "tip" window would show up with a brief description of the function and a list of the arguments (similar to what you see in the Code Explorer if you hover over a function name). This worked for both php's built-in functions and user-defined functions, as long as they had phpdoc descriptions. After updating to b4060 that feature is no longer available.

The second is that i lost ALL of my Code Templates. Both the ones that were "built-in" and all of the ones I defined. This includes not only the code templates for PHP4 and 5 but for ALL the languages.

Any ideas on how to get both of these back???
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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forgot to mention, i already checked tools menu, settings, Code Insight. Everything in side of the "tooltips" sections is checked.
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This worked for both php's built-in functions and user-defined functions, as long as they had phpdoc descriptions. After updating to b4060 that feature is no longer available

It's "Function Arguments Tooltip" and this feature is still available. Many people reported that it's too annoying to see such tooltips when cursor is placed between the parentheses because it always overlaps some code, so we decided to make it a little more smart. When you enter opening "(", phped tracks the current context and if it is a known function call, the tooltips are displayed. Otherwise, whenever you need them, you have to invoke manually using Ctrl-Shift-Space (feel free to change this shortcut in the settings).

i lost ALL of my Code Templates

Probably you upgraded from a very old build. Please open phped.cfg in your favorite editor and replace <php> with <php4> and </php> with </php4>
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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thanks for the response.

It appears that Ctrl+Shift+Space does work, but if you use code completion, the tips never show. Is there no way to turn this feature back on????

as for the code templates, the version i was on was the build right before the 4058 build, so it wasnt that old. also, the only thing inside of phped.cfg are the code templates that I re-added after updating.
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phped.cfg is not replaced if it remained from the previous version/build installed.

auto popup of function argument tooltip can't be brought back. It works only when you start typing argument list, for example
where | denotes cursor location
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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well, my code templates were there BEFORE i updated and they werent there afterwards. regardless, i just need to get that functionality back so that i can finish my work.

If i delete the phped.cfg file altogether and run the installer again, will the installer place a new copy of the phped.cfg file into the installation directory? Or does the phped.cfg file contain more than just the code template data?
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If i delete the phped.cfg file altogether and run the installer again, will the installer place a new copy of the phped.cfg file into the installation directory?

Yes it will, but you can just delete this file and it will be re-created by the IDE next time you run it and file will comeback with all the defaults.

does the phped.cfg file contain more than just the code template data?

yes it does. There are IDE shortcuts and AutoCorrection settings are stored too.
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Updated NuSphere and now features are "missing"
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