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Unable to register the DLL/OCX: Loadlibrary

Joined: 12 Sep 2006
Posts: 3
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I am installing PHPEd using PHP 5 only and I have uninstalled this program twice and tried to install it twice and each time I recieve the error

C:\Program Files\nusphere\phped\nubar\NuSphereIEBar.dll

Unable to register the DLL/OCX: LoadLirbrary failed; code 998.
Invalid access to memory location.

click Retry to try again Ignore to proceed anyway (not recommended), or abort to cancel installation.

I have shut down all programs running. uninstalled mysql, apache, and anything else I can think off yet I still get this error.

Please help.
Thank you
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does this error let you finish installation or terminates it?
In first case, just proceed to the end, then make sure _ALL_ instances of Internet Explorer are closed and try to run register.bat in phped\debugger subdirectory.

If it does not let you finish installation, try to close _ALL_ instances of Internet Explorer and try again.
Make sure your user account under which you logged in to Windows is listed in POWER USERS or ADMINISTRATORS group.
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This fixed it for me in Win XP

Joined: 20 Sep 2006
Posts: 1
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You need to turn DEP off and then re-install

In Win XP:
you go
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced
click Settings in the Performance section
then Data Execution Protection tab
and then two radio buttons... one marked "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only"

Tick that one and you should be OK, worked for me...

Good luck!
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Unable to register the DLL/OCX: Loadlibrary
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