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Unable to debug using PHPEdit

Joined: 20 Oct 2003
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IIS 5.1
IE 6
PHP 4.3.3
PHPEdit .
DBG 2.11.23

I am having problems debugging with PHPEdit. I have installed DBG successfully (verified via phpinfo) and it appears that the listener is also working properly. I get a message that says:

Everything seems OK and the debug listener is working
The debug listener version detected is 2.11.23.

When I open up a script in the editor, I can place breakpoints. Then when I open up the page in internet explorer, the editor appears to get focus (which seems to me that the dbg listener is getting information from the server), however, the breakpoints do not get hit. I don't have any conditions on the breakpoints. I have tried using both Local CGI and HTTP modes with no success. Below is a copy of my log file. Hopefully it will make sense to someone. Any suggestions?


031020 143435 521 ComServer.StartMode = smStandalone
031020 143437 2774 [StatusMessage] Loading finished (2.77 seconds)
031020 143439 1983 [StatusMessage] Dbl click to jump to the error location
031020 143445 5929 [StatusMessage] Class list
031020 143445 40 [StatusMessage] Save all changed documents
031020 143445 50 [StatusMessage] Save the active Document with a new filename
031020 143451 5387 [StatusMessage] Dbl click to jump to the error location
031020 143451 251 [StatusMessage] Class list
031020 143453 1732 [StatusMessage] Display the File Explorer
031020 143453 80 [StatusMessage] Display the Help Generator Wizard
031020 143453 111 [StatusMessage] Display the project manager
031020 143501 7540 [StatusMessage] Loading "C:\projects\PHP\YouthTrack\classes\test.php", Please wait...
031020 143501 40 [StatusMessage] [PHP Parser] Start parsing...
031020 143501 41 [StatusMessage] File "C:\projects\PHP\YouthTrack\classes\test.php" has been loaded.
031020 143501 0 [StatusMessage] [PHP Parser] Parse finished (0.04 seconds)
031020 143501 10 [StatusMessage] [PHP Parser] Start parsing...
031020 143501 50 [StatusMessage] [PHP Parser] Parse finished (0.05 seconds)
031020 143505 4075 [StatusMessage] Breakpoint enabled
031020 143505 381 [StatusMessage] Dbl click to jump to the error location
031020 143522 16684 [StatusMessage] DBG ver 2.11 PHPEdit
031020 143522 80 [StatusMessage] Successfully moved to line 16
031020 143529 6610 [StatusMessage] Dbl click to jump to the error location
031020 143533 4276 2 times
031020 143533 0 [StatusMessage] Document "C:\projects\PHP\YouthTrack\classes\test.php" has been closed
031020 143534 761 Still here: : TMultiCaster
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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whenever you set breakpoints they are have no effect until a real debug session is started. It's insufficient to launch your page because in this case IDE is not invoked and therefore no breakpoint information is passed to the server. In other words you have to start your page from IDE or use special HTTP GET or POST variable, named DBGSESSID.
Please read PHPED 3.2 FAQ for further details.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2003
Posts: 8
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I have what sounds like the same problem. I've been trying to get DBG and PHPEdit working together for days now. I finally stumbled upon some combination of bits and pieces from various posts and got it to work – once or twice. I use a browser url something like:

to invoke the debugger through PHPEdit (to debug the script login.php) and sometimes it seems to work - but then it will get into a mode similar to what smchristensen has observed:

I see PHPEdit receive focus but no breakpoints get hit

if I check DBG Listener I get the following error:

Failed to open or create an instance of IDE CoClass {F7B68CDA-BFAF-440A-B72B-895D0C2E8BED}. OSERR (0x80080005) 'Server execution failed'.

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Unable to debug using PHPEdit
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