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UltraSQL into Apache

Joined: 03 Feb 2004
Posts: 7
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ddmitre --

I understand you now ship UltraSQL with TechPlatform, but is there a way to integrate it into the Apache Web Server so that apache can do all its user authentication and pull data from UltraSQL and not mySQL

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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you mean AAM (Apache Access Manager).
Yes it's possible and moreover we're working on it.
AAM for UltraSQL/PostgreSQL will be available in few weeks.

Regarding availability, it will be available as a bonus pack to all NuSphere customers.

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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
Posts: 7
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Thank you very much for your response,

I hope we are speaking the same language.. I am talking about
this type of thing from the httpd.conf file

AuthType Basic


AuthMySQLPort 1111
AuthMySQLUser xxxx
AuthMySQLPassword xx
AuthMySQLDB xxx
AuthMySQLUserTable xxx
AuthMySQLGroupTable xxxx
AuthMySQLNameField xxxx
AuthMySQLPasswordField xxxx
AuthMySQLGroupField xxx
AuthMySQLCryptedPasswords Off
AuthMySQLAuthoritative On
AuthMySQLKeepAlive On


We are also using php and cgi to make pulls from the database will these still work with some changes to the connect parameters?

//Set the database connection parameters
$mysql_link = mysql_connect("xxx", "xxx", "xxx") or die(mysql_error());

//Select the DSC Studies Database
mysql_select_db("xxx") or die(mysql_error());

#Set a query to determine the total number of records
$query = "SELECT * FROM s_char_tbl";

//Execute the database query
$result = mysql_query($query, $mysql_link) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());

//Find the total number of rows (studies) in the database
$total_rows = mysql_affected_rows($mysql_link);

//Set the limit for the number of records to return
$limit = $start . "," . $records;

//Assign the values to show what records are currently displayed
$show_start = $start + 1;
$show_end = $start + $records;
if ($show_end > $total_rows) {
$show_end = $total_rows;

//Define the limit variable for the next 30 records if not at the end
$next_start = $start + $records;
$next_records = $records;
if ($next_start > $total_rows) {
$next_start = $start;

//Define the limit variable for the previous 30 records if not at the beginning
$previous_start = $start;
$previous_records = $records;
if ($start > 0) {
$previous_start = $start - 30;

//Set variable for the last page of records - the total records minus 30
$end = $total_rows - 30;

//Set the query with the new variables
$query = "SELECT s_char_tbl.study_id, s_char_tbl.title, s_char_tbl.URL_link, s_part_tbl.sponsoring_org, s_final_tbl.product_type, s_char_tbl.completion_date ";
$query .= "FROM s_char_tbl, s_part_tbl, s_final_tbl ";
$query .= "WHERE s_char_tbl.study_id=s_part_tbl.study_id AND s_char_tbl.study_id=s_final_tbl.study_id ";
$query .= "ORDER BY $order $direction LIMIT $limit";
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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sure, we do.
All directives you shown are for AAM.
It consists of two parts, front end written in Perl and an Apache module that tracks auth requests.

We'll provide a clear path for migrating to UltraSQL.
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UltraSQL into Apache
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