That is indeed a good point. Visual Studio (sorry that I come up with this again, it is my main development environment) makes it like this:
if no parameter tooltip is present, the code completition appears below the current line.
if the parameter tooltip is present, the code completition appears above the current line.
The reason seems simple: First you want to see, what are the parameter types exactly and what did I already wrote in earlier lines. As soon I activate code completition I am just looking for a certain variable (which type i have in mind then, the tooltip is also still present).
I could imagine a even better logic:
if (next line is empty or consists of white spaces only)
Show parameter hint tooltip below the line.
on code completition {
Show Code completition above the line.
Show parameter hint tooltip above the line.
on code completition {
Show Code completition below the line.
Usually there are empty lines between logical blocks in your code. If you initialize a list you have an empty line before your first initialization. So you can append (else-fork) the list or you can precede the list (if-fork). This would be a very subtle way of user assistance, just the way that it tries to keep "out of the way" of things the user want to see.
Your thoughts?
p.s.: some companies would see such thing as a valuable patent, i don't... *sic*