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Syntax Error Checking & Other Misc Features
Damien H

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I've been trying out a Variety of IDE's for PHP, and so far, I've only found one with this feature.

Zend Studio has a Syntax Error Checking feature that is continuous while running, that I really liked.

For example if I had


if ($variablename == 0) {
   $result = mysql_query ($query) or die (mysql_error ())
   if ($result) {

it would underline the "if ($result)" with something similar to the red underline used for Microsoft Word for a misspelled word to let me know I have a synax error somewhere around there. I found it very handy for easily debugging problems before they even got started.

Also, another feature I enjoyed in Zend is the highlighting of brackets, braces, parentheses, quotes, and other enclosing marks, only while you were under them to identify the matching enclosing mark.

So for example. If my cursor was under the last bracket in this snipet, it would have highligiting similar to this


if ($variablename == 0) [b][color=cyan]{[/color][/b]
   $result = mysql_query ($query) or die (mysql_error ());
   if ($result) {

This allowed for easy checking of enclosing marks to make sure you were in the correct place. However, it did not highly every single enclosing mark in the code, only the one you were currently under.

By far, phpED has been the best PHP IDE I've located as of yet, and these two features would make it absolutely perfect for my needs. Do you have plans to implement any of these features, and are there any times tables as to when these could be implemented.

Damien H
Komodo from Active State also has this feature.

Joined: 07 Aug 2005
Posts: 1
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Komodo also has the dynamic syntax checking feature which I truely miss in PhpED. On the plus side for PhpED, the product is much more stable then Komodo and the debugger works much better with forms based pages.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2003
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PhpED does show the matching braces... See settings > Editor settings > Show matched brackets.

As to the "red underlining", PhpEd 4 will come with it.
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One little point Smile The orginal post was made in 2003 when PHPED did not highlight the matched brackets Smile
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Joined: 06 Jul 2009
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I was playing about with Zend Studio out of curiosity (it's ghastly overall, and I won't be leaving PhpED for that anytime soon).. but I really did like the syntax checking as it highlighted a few issues I hadn't noticed in some of my code. By this I mean that it highlights the file in a project that has errors. It was nice to be able to look down the list of files and load up the ones with warnings / errors and address them.

Would also be nice to extend the current syntax checking to the likes of warning and notice checking too.. so that you're also alerted of undefined vars and the likes.

Would really like to see these features added to the project list in PhpED too.. especially the former.


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Syntax Error Checking & Other Misc Features
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