plugnplay wrote: |
ProFTPd allows symbolic links to be hidden, although they are on by default.
Many feature requests for PhpED tend to hang around for a little while, so looking for an alternative solution would possibly be your best bet.
In a 'normal' site config with Apache, all requests are first processed using htaccess irrelevant of whether the file exists or not.
So you could remove your symbolic link for jquery.js so that file/link does not exist. When a browser requests jquery.js it will pass through htaccess and that can then detect that request and rewrite it to instead go to jquery-2.1.4.min.js
Have a look at RewriteEngine, RewriteCond and RewriteRule. |
I just realize that I never answered to this after 2½ years.
Likely I missed the notification.
But the symbolic links are still an issue for me.
You answered about
jquery.js, but likely I shouldn't have given
THAT sample, as obviously you made irrelevant assumptions about it.
I already used Apache config for that purpose for a while, and especially for
jQuery and similar recurrent files.
But I also have many files for which I find more practical to use symbolic links because
there is no recurrent patterns for redirecting them.
For example when I decide to rename or to move a file, but I want the previous location to still be available for some time.
Or for many other tweaking reasons that you cannot always imagine.
It may also happen that I use a symbolic link for a PHP file and
(for any reason) I would like to be able to debug this PHP file using PhpED
through this symbolic link.
This will certainly not work if I use an Apache redirection for it.
And even if I don't do that, I'd like also to be able to
(at least) see the existence of this symbolic link into PhpED, even if I don't access it.
This will certainly not be the case if I use an Apache redirection for it.
I don't want to have an Apache redirect rule for
EACH file that I want to redirect.
I don't want also to have to stop using symbolic links for the only reason that I am using PhpED.
I don't want also to have to stop using PhpED for the only reason that I am using symbolic links.
But nevertheless I would be happy if I could avoid the problems with using PhpED
AND symbolic links.