I am trying to run a svg application with PHPDOCK. It works fine within the IE browser but not within the PHPDOCK interface....
I have a trial version and would like to buy if this works.
See picture for proof.
I also attahc the ini here below.
I really do not know what to do. Please help me. Thanks.
;<> Note:
;<> non-ascii characters should be entered in utf-8 encoding
;<> plase use appropriate editor that supports this
;<> Application section allows to specify Application-wide settings
; * Title, it's shown in Windows Task Bar.
; NOTE: caption of the main window reflects current document title. Use
; <title> tag to specify it.
; * Icon, it's shown in Windows Task Bar.
; NOTE: if favicon.ico is found in the web's root directory, it is
; displayed as the main window icon.
; NOTE: application's icon displayed in the TRAY can be changed only
; in commercial version.
; * TrayAppName specifies application name to show on the tray popup menu
; (see MinimizeToTray option)
; * KioskMode makes PhpDock window to be on the top of all the other windows,
; title bar (window caption) and window resizing are forced off in this
; mode
; * MinimizeToTray enables application to use tray vs task bar when it
; minimizes
Title=PhpDock Currency Converter
TrayAppName='Open PhpDock'
;<> Window section stores only dimensions and position of the PhpDock window.
; * IsFixedSize controls whether window can be resized or not.
; * HideStatusBar controls whether status bar should be always shown (0), or
; always remain hidden (1) or be shown only in case of the errors (2)
; * HideIEBorder removes 3D border around the client area
; * HideIEScrollBar removes scrollbars
; * HideIESelection makes it impossible to select text and images
; * NoIEPopupMenu prohibits browser popup menu
; * ProhibitCompletion disables auto complete for inputs in html forms
; * Window remembers the last shown position in IsMaximized, Left, Top, Width
; and Height members. It's recommended to leave Top and Left unspecified.
; PhpDock will be shown in the screencenter in this case
;<> HTTPServer section stores settings related to HTTP server.
; * DocumentRoot is relative or absolute path to web root directory tree.
; * Listen specifies TCP/IP port to start listening on.
; NOTE: PhpDock will change port value automatically if specified port is
; in use
; * Bind specifies a local IP address or list of IP addresses (delimited with
; comma) that the web server should listen on. Asterisk * means listen on
; all local addresses, localhost ( is the default address
; * DirectoryIndex specifies file name(s) to be used if URL refers to
; directory. If more than one file is specified, PhpDock will iterate one
; by one until it finds a file
; * WriteTimeout limits time in seconds to wait for browser to accept data
; 15sec is the default value, 0 means no timeout.
; * EnableFastCgi enables to run php in FAST CGI vs regular CGI mode
DirectoryIndex=index.php index.html index.htm
;<> HTTPClient section stores settings related to Web Browser.
; * InitialUrl specifies where to jump first. This value should contain TCP
; port and therefore it's necessary to refer to its value
; ${HTTPServer:Listen}, where HTTPServer is ini section and Listen is
; value.
; * BlockPopups when set to non zero value disables popups.
; * DefaultDocument specifies a last resort document (file) to be displayed
; when HTTP is not yet available or if ErrorHandler is not specified. It
; should be a static document (html) to avoid error escalations
;<> MimeTypes section may contain application specific mime types and these
; values override default table known to PhpDock. Use file extension as
; name and mime type as value. In order to run php, one entry should be
; specified, it's php file extension.
;<> Handlers section allows to assign script handlers for specified mime types
; In order to run php, one entry should be given, it's php's mime type
application/x-httpd-php="C:\Program Files\nusphere\phpdock\php\php-cgi.exe"
;<> ErrorHandlers allows to specify default pages to be shown or scripts to be
; run if HTTP error is occured with current request.
;<> Jobs section contains list of URL to be opened in backgound. All entries
; are executed one by one sequentially. If an error happens during opening
; the URL, PhpDock tries to run 2 more times. Status codes, Urls and
; outputs returned by each job are available in form of JOB_OUTPUT_x,
; JOB_URL_x, and JOB_CODE_x environment variables to all subsequent jobs
; (if they are run locally). If output given by a job is in form of two
; lines "LOCATION:xxxx\nMSG:yyyy", PhpDock shows message yyy and redirects
; to xxxx. URLs can be local, like
; http://localhost:${HTTPServer:Listen}/job1.php or not local.
;<> JobCtl section provides more control on Jobs running per previous sectoin
; * AskForJobRedirects when set asks user upon redirection is requested by Job
; * ShowJobError when set shows background job errors in status bar icon.