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Supporting FuelPHP as framework

Joined: 20 Jan 2014
Posts: 1
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At work we're using PHPEd Professional, and we have FuelPHP as core framework for almost every project.
Is there any planning to add FuelPHP to the supported frameworks? If no, is there a way to let PHPed know how the autoloader (which is always at /public/index.php) works?
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Joined: 30 Jun 2009
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I don't get this "framework support" idea.

PHPEd gives you debugging tools and autocomplete. What do you exactly expect it to do when you talk about "support"?
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The "framework idea" is mostly around improved code insight. Also it's easier to navigate among models/components/views/controllers by clicking on the tree and tabs rather than through the File->Open or Ctrl-Tab.
Regarding FuelPHP, we don't have plans on supporting it in the nearest future, but we'll take this framework into account.

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Supporting FuelPHP as framework
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