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Suggestion - checkbox to disallow tooltips for complex types

Joined: 30 May 2006
Posts: 96
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in a debug mode I regularly experience "computer freezing" - this happens when:

* I have stopped on a break point in debug mode
* I point with mouse over a variable (often unintentionally, just randomly moved mouse)

It does not matter if my computer has 8 or 16 GB RAM - freezing always occurs, tested on my PC at home (16 GB) and at office (8 GB).

As to my observation I guess that "freezing" is caused by enabled tooltips (Settings -> Code Insights -> Tooltips enabled) .. runtime evaluation and conversion into string dump for complex objects.
Freezing never occurs on simple / primitive types (integers, ..).

Suggested solution:

A/ - limit deep / recursive object introspection to first 50 lines - though I am not sure if this is possible
B/ - add new option to Settings to dump only simple / primitive types, e.g. checkbox "Show tooltips only for simple types". This would avoid deep-objects introspection and converting into string lines, which is the root of the issue.

Solution B/ would guarantee that "freezing" will not occur and also make debug mode faster experience, but for some developers might be confusing (perhaps just showing tooltip over objects "Objects evaluation disabled - enable by unchecking Settings -> Code insights -> Show tooltips only for simple types" would suffice).
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thanks, very valid observations. I'm going to implement it slightly differently -- option C -- which would show only top level keys/properties with their values. IF they have sub-keys/sub-properties (meaning complex structures) they will be shown with [+] marks on the left that would allow to expand them to see the content. Debugger would have to send only values to be shown -- not so lengthy in average.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 30 May 2006
Posts: 96
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Fantastic Dmitri, thank you very much.
Happy that you have recovered well after a long time.
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Suggestion - checkbox to disallow tooltips for complex types
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