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Strange problem with stepping through code

Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 1
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I'm currently running PHPEdit 0.8.25 with the supplied version of DBG and PHP and have experienced the following strange behaviour. When setting breakpoints it appears that I can set one in embedded HTML code and indeed, the current code point marker seems to jump into the HTML when step-debugging.

I've tried a number of approaches. I've checked the line-ending types, tried different versions of DBG, PHP, and even tried the trial version of PHPed - the problem still occurs. It is independant of whether or not PHP is running as a CGI or an Apache2 module. I can only conclude that it is one of two things: my code (which I'm willing to add to this post if needs be) or DBG itself.

The problem did not show up when I wrote some similarly structured code in PHPEdit itself (I don't know if this is relevant).

I hope you can help.

Many thanks for an otherwise great product.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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All your HTML code is actually converted to series of echos and because of that you can step through them.
It's sepecific to php itself. Smile
Neither dbg nor IDE are involved.
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Strange problem with stepping through code
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