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ssh and csv

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
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I have phped 3.3 (still eval until I can get this working securely).

I am trying to connect to my csv repository on a remote redhat es3 server. It works fine using pserver, but of course that is a very insecure way to do it. I am trying unsucessfully to run cvs secure using ext mode and ssh. Is there a ssh FAQ/howto specifically for phped anywhere?

Everything works fine from the command line using the nusphere cvs.exe and ssh.exe from cygwin. The command line asks for my ssh password and everything updates and commits perfectly.

If I try phped cvs to connect using pserver it is fine. If I try to connect using ssh, I get a "waiting for cvs" message and then a watson error from ssh.exe a few seconds later.

Here is the command line that phped logs (I then copy that to command line to verify that the line works):
"C:\Program Files\nusphere\phped\ccvs\cvs" -z3 -r -d checkout -kb -d "module" "module"
(I've tried multiple versions of ssh.exe)

When this is fixed, I am going to try to get the debugger working and then I can feel comfortable enough to spend $500+ on this product.

Thanks for anyone's help. I've worked on this all weekend with not much success. (I guess my other option would be to use tortoiseCVS for the cvs actions)

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1. connect with your remote host using ssh from a console at least one time and agree on adding (storing) fingerprits.
2. make sure ssh is "good" enough on both sides. I'd recommend you openssh 3.5p1 or 3.8p1. They both are known to work good.
3. before running C:\Program Files\nusphere\phped\ccvs\cvs" -z3 -r -d checkout -kb -d "module" "module" don't forget to set CVS_RSH environment variable pointing to ssh.exe. Phped does it for you when it runs cvs.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2004
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cool. It's working perfectly now. I guess I just needed the right version of ssh.exe. I downloaded the latest cygwin from (have to make sure to install the openssh module).

I assume it is not possible to include the neccessary files and dll's in the release the same way cvs.exe is included? That would have made this whole process simple.

Anyways, maybe someone else will learn from my mistakes. Hopefully everything else goes more smoothly, this looks like a solid product (just need to touch up on the documentation and add support for sftp (instead of ftps)

thanks for your help.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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cygwin is not a freeware and therefore we can't distribute it.
but as far as I understand you can download and use it for any needs other than distribution.

Regarding documentation - it will be improved in forthcoming service pack#1.

sftp - not sure when but will be done too Smile
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ssh and csv
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