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Spell Checker

Joined: 27 Mar 2006
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Are there any plans for a spell checker in PhpEds future?

In the meantime. Has anybody had any luck integrating a preferably free spell checking utility for comments and strings into the program?

Thank You
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probably, it would make sense to check the output, not php itself or its strings/comments.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 27 Mar 2006
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Not all programs have output.

Some will send emails to people and not echo a single statement. The email messages are stored in strings or constanants and should be spell checked before being sent.

Hence why many spell checkers exist to check the misspellings of strings in programs before they are ever executed.

That said.
Any spell checker would be a help and I look forward to seeing it!
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Spell Magic has been GREAT so far

Joined: 18 Jan 2008
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Hi All,

I coded in EditPlus ( for many years, and it had a really good spell checker. In fact, as a basic text editor, it's still the best I've ever used - one of those tools that makes you forget you are using a tool.

I moved over to NuSphere because I needed a more sophisticated development environment with debugging, code folding, class exploring, etc, and have been very happy with it. The editing features are not as polished, but the additional functionality makes up for it.

Spell checking is one thing I have really missed - just highlight, spell check, and get on with it.

I've tried just pasting to word before launch, but that's a terrible solution - very much not recommended Wink.

I've also tried about a dozen spell checker solutions and some were ok, but all of them are pretty clunky when you just want to highlight something and spell check it. Many only check the full document, which is a real pain if it's mostly program code. Others only check while you are typing, and ding if you misspell something, which is also a pain if most of what you type is program code. Still others are difficult to check a paragraph or line and just replace the parts you want, while leaving the rest untouched.

Clunky, clunky, clunky. Especially if you want to be able to pick out parts of your text to spell check, like most programmers will. (If anyone can make a really good one, there seems to be a real marketing for a nice, smooth, programmer specific, spell checker...)

Anyway, in my searches, I've come across this page a few times (by googling "nusphere spell checker"), and figure a lot of other people must be looking for a good spell checker, so I'd share my solution.

I've settled on Spell Magic. Unfortunately, it's not free, but $30 isn't bad, and it's pretty useful. Seems to work from any program, including NuSphere, and it has good hotkey access to popup a little window, check highlighted text, replace, ignore, etc, and then get out of the way.

Hopefully, something like this will be integrated into NuSphere at some point, but until then, you can find it at: (Spell Magic, Not Maestro)
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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I've been thinking about spell checking and it will be great add-on. Here are my thoughts:

- open source aspell library could be used, because there already exists dictionaries for many languages,
- strings constants should be checked and misspelled words should be underlined, after right-clicking on a word some sugestions shows (similar to Word),
- php variables in strings should be excluded from spell checking,
- PHPDoc comments should also be checked, after all our documentation is prepared from this comments,
- there should be option to switch on/off spell checking.

And in the end feature that I can only dream about, but maybe some day I will see it:
- spell checking of class names, public and protected methods and atributes names. Imagine:
class Someting
and spellchecker suggests you "Something". It will be great.
There may be some dificulties:
public function doSometing
so spellchecker should recognize some common naming patterns: doSometing, do_someting_else, DoEvenMore.

What do you think about it?
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Spell Checker
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