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some bugs and glucks of TP 4.0 for w32

Joined: 14 Sep 2005
Posts: 1
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1. mod_perl does't work

C:\Program Files\NuSphere\TechPlat\apache\conf>..\apachectl.exe start
apachectl.exe start: httpd could not be started

C:\Program Files\NuSphere\TechPlat\apache\conf>..\apachectl.exe configtest
Syntax error on line 176 of c:/program files/nusphere/techplat/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load c:/program files/nusphere/techplat/apache/modules/ into server: (126) Le module specifie est introuvable:

Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit. 25...

LoadModule perl_module modules/

2. some links is bad. For example
on page https://localhost:9443/doc_index.shtml

3. on page https://localhost:9443/admin_index.shtml we see text:
There are no Administration applications installed.
# You can install the following Administration applications from the NuSphere distribution: WEBMIN System Administrator (Linux/Unix only)
# phpMyAdmin - a MySQL Data Dictionary written in PHP
# phpPgAdmin - a PostgreSQL Data Dictionary written in PHP

but I can't
install the following Administration applications
from installation application
4. On the page writed
NuSphere TechPlatform 3.4 for Windows
, but I can not found this version. Only 4.0 accessible, but don't work.

Thanks for you advice.

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Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit. 25

You probably did not reboot after TP was installed. You have to do so, or mod_perl won't find perl.exe.
There is also another reason that may cause the problem. If you already have perl installed on your machine, it might be used by mod_perl if its path appears first in the %PATH% variable and if it is incompatible with mod_perl, latter one will fail to load. Just run perl -V and check perl's version number.

some links is bad. For example
on page https://localhost:9443/doc_index.shtml

Make sure file is there. Also check IE security settings.

but I can't install the following Administration applications from installation application

Sorry these packages aren't available with TP 4.0
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some bugs and glucks of TP 4.0 for w32
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