After evaluating a couple of PHP-IDEs I now decided to move from HomeSite to PHPed.
There was one feature on Homesite which was very useful and I miss in PhpEd - or just wasn't able to find. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It would be very handy if I could create a code template which acts in dependence of what is marked at the moment. So that I can mark some words, then launch the code template and the code template adds text before and after the marked text.
As an example:
I often have to copy'n'paste some text into scripts and then echo them as predefined text.
This is my text, which i pasted into my document. |
Mark all the text, hit Ctrl-J, choose "Echo"
And here we are:
echo ("<p class="">This is my text, which i pasted into my document.</p>"); |
... the cursor placed between the parenthesis of the class attibute.
Another one:
"This is some example text with a link in it" |
I will mark the words "a link", then hit Ctrl-j and choose my created "href"-code template.
And here I am:
"This is some example text with <a href="">a link</a> in it" |
... with my cursor placed between the "".
then if I was able to assign a shortcut to a code template (let's say hitting Ctrl-Shift-a for the Anchor Tag or Ctrl-Shift-e for the echo Tag) I would be happy as well!