I would like to see the opening statement whenever I select/highlight a closing curly brace /bracket.
Then I would not have to scroll up the page (or split the document) to remember which block of code I'm in.
Actually the start of the relevant code-block could be displayed somewhere whenever the cursor is "inside" it.
This feature would save me a massive amount of time.
For example:
function some_func()
if ( ! $db = db_connect())
return false;
if ( ! $stmt = $db->prepare($sql))
return false;
$stmt->bind_param('s', $request_slug);
$request_slug = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1);
if ( ! $stmt->execute())
return false;
if ($stmt->num_rows == 1)
return $controller;
} // brace 1
} // brace 2
}//brace 3
When "brace 1" is highlighted I would like to see something similar to the following (next to the cursor):
Quote: |
END: if ( ! $stmt->execute()) else {
I even made it easy for you (no need to reverse engineer the logic)
Similarly when the cursor is to the right of "brace 2", I would like to see:
Quote: |
END: if ( ! $stmt = $db->prepare($sql)) else {
When the cursor is to the right of the "brace 3", I would like to see:
Quote: |
END: function some_func()
Thank you!