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Short list of bugs

Joined: 30 Aug 2006
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I just purchased the phped pro, and first off I want to thank the team for a fantastic product. It is, without question, the best PHP IDE on the market. With that said, here is a small list of bugs, or at least things that I think are bugs.

Find/Replace with regular expressions doesn't work with newlines: \n
Now I've seen posts about how the app doesn't support this, however \n is in the documentation for find/replace, so to me that qualifies as a bug. And this is a feature I desperately need. I keep a shortcut to Homesite handy simply for its superior "extended find” capabilities.

Internet Explorer as Default Browser
When selecting Internet Explorer as the Default Browser, if I run or debug, it always runs into the last active IE window, rather than the originally opened window. This can get really annoying because I may have other windows open with apps like phpMyAdmin and if I forget to click to the specific window then come back to phped and Run, it will replace what I had in the last active IE window.

Pasting and the mouse cursor
When pasting text it shows the blinking cursor at the end of the pasted content, however if I then hold down the SHIFT key and click to select some of the text (to select from the end of the pasted content, to where I click), it highlights as if the cursor were in the front of the pasted text.

Incorrect Tip of the Day?
I could be wrong, and this hardly matters but I noticed it.. A tip of the day mentions indent/outdent using "Tab" and "CTRL+Tab", but isn't outdent actually "Shift+Tab"? I could be wrong.. but indent/outdent bindings were something specific I was looking for.

Open Dialog and the Desktop
When I click the "Open" or Ctrl+O and access the Open dialog, the "Desktop" button does not actually go to the desktop. It goes to My Computer. There really is no convenient way to access the desktop besides going to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop, or of course making a shortcut, but still the desktop button does not do what it should, I think.

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thanks, I'll check all you mentioned.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2006
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Oh, and that "Open Dialog and the Desktop" I should have also mentioned its the same thing with the Explorer Pane. The desktop button goes to My Computer.. Only way to get to desktop is shortcut or full path. Thanks again.
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Re: Short list of bugs

Joined: 23 Aug 2005
Posts: 53
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ftwinnovations wrote:
Internet Explorer as Default Browser
When selecting Internet Explorer as the Default Browser, if I run or debug, it always runs into the last active IE window, rather than the originally opened window. This can get really annoying because I may have other windows open with apps like phpMyAdmin and if I forget to click to the specific window then come back to phped and Run, it will replace what I had in the last active IE window.

Isn't that an option in IE itself ? (sorry i stopped using IE a long time ago, but some customer had this problem with launching shortcuts and IE).

Try this in IE:
- go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced
- under browsing : Reuse windows for launching shortcuts
- disselect it.
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I'm not sure if that helps (feel free to try)
We run IE using DDE and in this case IE decides what existing window to re-use.
You can uncheck DDE checkbox and it will open new IE eachtime you start debug.
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Short list of bugs
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