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Several issues with PHPEd

Joined: 20 Sep 2004
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Windows PHPEd Version 3.32 build 3386

Using the sql query analyzer gives this error on *any* query in an alert popup:

"List index out of bounds (-1)"

It pulls the data, but that error is getting very, very annoying, any ideas?


A WebDav account will not allow me to connect to any other port besides the default port 80. No matter what I enter it will not work. I've tried changing the port in the port field below the host/ip field, but it does absolutely nothing. It's as though it's hard coded. Also, putting the port inside the host/ip form doesn't work, i.e: 123.456.789.123:81/davsrc/ etc.

Any help is appreciated!

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Sorry for the problem with SQL window.
Please open sql.log in phped directory and just add two semicolons in it ;;

Regarding WebDav, please make sure your WEB server opened TCP port that you're trying to connect to. Probably you misconfigured the web.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2004
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[quote="ddmitrie"]Sorry for the problem with SQL window.
Please open sql.log in phped directory and just add two semicolons in it ;;

Regarding WebDav, please make sure your WEB server opened TCP port that you're trying to connect to. Probably you misconfigured the web.[/quote]

Well, my web server is listening on the port I want to connect to because I can access the website using that port through the browser with no problems.

It seems as though the PHPEd application will not allow me to use webdav on any port other than 80. Even if I put a different port in the port field in my webdav account in PHPEd, it still causes an error and says that port 80 cannot be reached, even though I am telling PHPEd to use a different port. No matter what I put in the port field, it continues to try to connect to my web server on port 80.

Also: The add two semi colons to the sql.log file did not work, the error still persists.

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Well. Send me or post there a screenshot with the webdav account settings.
Our QA team can't replicate the problem. With its default settings NuSphere TechPlatform installs WebDav service running under Apache with 8443 port and uses SSL and it works fine. I think it would be helpful if you post there WEBDAV-related settings from the server configuration (httpd.conf for Apache or registry for IIS).

Regarding sql.log it should work. Please check it out twice. File should contain just two symbols - both are semicolons as shown here -> ;;
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Joined: 20 Sep 2004
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Ok, here's how i have it set up:

I have my server listening on port 3230

i have a location set up in apache httpd.conf

Alias /phparea /home/testapp/public_html
Alias/php-source /home/testapp/public_html
<Location /php-source>
ForceType text/plain

DAVLockDB /www/var/DAVDB/DAVLock

Here's the thing, web dav works great and I can connect to the application via PHPEd when i put into the address : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/php-source

But, it ONLY works when trying to use PORT 80
Putting port 3230 into the port field yeilds strange results

It's as if it is ignoring the alias. The alias is there because I want to develop and view the web pages at the same time, so in the web browser i'm going to :
http ://

and in the PHPEd i'm going to :

Now like I mentioned before it works great, but ONLY when using port 80. Any attempt to use another port causes problems:

When i put in :

but change the port in the port field to 3230, instead of going to my aliased pages , i.e /home/testapp/public_html, it attempts to connect to:


which is totally incorrect. I don't want it going to the root directory, i want it going to my Aliased directory, which it does fine, only on port 80 though.

What it needs to do, is be pointed to

But it seems as though it will not do this. The reason I want to use a port other than 80 is simply because I need to cross-develop across the internet and my ISP blocks port 80

Also, my home directories are set up properly, such that going to anyones /home/username/public_html/ directory works as a web serving directory

P.S. : That sql.log fix did work, thanks!
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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must be a problem with apache configuration. Did you try any other WEBDAV-enabled tools ?
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Several issues with PHPEd
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