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Setup project with different remote locations

Joined: 30 Oct 2012
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Hi all,

I'm currently evaluating PhpED and the first impression is quite positive.
However, right now I'm struggling setting up a project and I'm running out of ideas how to achieve that task.

I want to setup a remote project, but the tricky part is, that the files to edit are located in different locations (CodeIgniter application but the CI folder is located outside of the web root).

So the remote file structure looks like this:

/vhostroot/[I dont want in PhpED]

Now I'm trying to get the same structure in PhpED in the Workspace view. I've tried several things but still couldn't find the right way how to do that, that I'll have in PhpED the structure:

|- /codeigniter
|-- /application
|-- /system
|- /httpdocs

Once I was able to import the remote project's httpdocs files only and added the codeigniter stuff via mapping so the debugging worked, but I'll have to access the files under /codeigniter as well, since there are all my MVC files I have to edit!

Anybody out there who could give me a hint, how I can setup that project?

Thanks a lot in advance!
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Joined: 06 Jul 2009
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Hi Preachie..

Maybe this will help:

Create the file structure in your project dir.. for example:

Then configure the project in PhpED.. notice the 'Hide directories' field where I've added 3 dirs at the end for this test. As there might be a 'other' and 'stuff' etc dir with the same name elsewhere in the structure that you _do_ want to see, I've prepended these with a '/' char to hide ones found in the root dir only:

Depending exactly how your remote host is set up and your accounts settings in regards to root dir, you might just want '/' for the 'Top publishing directory' instead of '/vhostroot'.

Hopefully this clarifies and helps?


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Joined: 30 Oct 2012
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Hi Ian,

first, thanks for your answer! It's much appreciated!
I was able to setup the project as you described it.
Unfortunately I don't get the remote debugging working now.
When I try to debug, it tries to open http: //;d=1,p=0,c=1 (so there's the incorrect httpdocs path).
Do you have an idea how I can make this working?
I already tried to change some mapping settings but without success yet.

Right now I can either get the remote debuging working but without having all required files in the project, or I have all required files in the project but the debuging isn't working Sad
I wonder, is this scenario so 'special'? I thought it would be quite common that you have the CodeIgniter files outside of the httpdocs structure (which is also recommended by CodeIgniter due to security).

Any further help is much appreciated Smile

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Click on [Settings Wizard] button in project->Properties dialog, then follow the wizard suggestions/questions.

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Joined: 30 Oct 2012
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Sorry, but this is not working since PhpED tries to upload the dbg-sample.php to the remote root directory instead of the remote /httpdocs dirctory and I don't know how to resolve this!?
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> and I don't know how to resolve this

you have to setup publishing first. Most probably you specified wrong root directory, or specified it twice - in account and in project.

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Joined: 30 Oct 2012
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Hi dmitri,

thanks for your reply, unfortunately it still doesn't work for me.
Everything is fine when the project root and the remote web root are the same.

But as mentioned in my first post this is not the case in my situation.
Here's the structure again:

Since I need to modify files in PhpED in codeigniter as welll as in httpdocs I configured the project root to /
Also the publishing root is /
With that config I can download and sync all the files, but the debuging is not working and when I try to run the wizard it'll try to upload the dbg-sample.php to / but it has to be /httpdocs.

Is this configuration something not possible in PhpED?
My evaluation perios is almost over (1 day remaining) and I like what I've seen so far, so I really would like to purchase but Il need to know how to configure this scenario since I have most of projects setup like that (codeigniter sources outside of the httpdocs directory).
So could you please give me exact details how to configure PhpED for this requirement (if it is possible at all).
Or are there any other places I should ask that question instead of here in the forum?

Thanks a lot
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> Everything is fine when the project root and the remote web root are the same

I'm not sure what you mean under web root. If it is your server root, then this is right. The project and remote (server) root should always point to the same set of files and subdirectoties. In other words, if your project works through shared disk (samba or Windows share), it must point to the same directory as remote (server) root. If project works with local copy, the copy must be done from the remote (server) root directory.

Publishing root should point to this remote root directory in [sftp] or [ftp] space (depening on sftp or ftp protocol you use).

As of apache web root for the project (in URL space and in directory space), it may lie above or below the remote root or match it.
If they don't match, you will need an extra entry on mapping tab, and it's what Project Settings Wizard will do for you.
As I see your web is below - no problems. Setup publishing, make sure you can work with files (open, save, download, upload) and they all appear in correct place, then setup mapping, debugging and URLs using Project Settings Wizard.

If you still have a problem, please contact support and provide requested info.

The PHP IDE team
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Setup project with different remote locations
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