I believe that normally PhpED removes the dbg-wizard.php after it has done its check; at least on all the sites that I've setup projects for recently, PhpED copies the dbg-wizard, does its check and deletes the file. Under some circumstances where you do not have a publishing account setup, you might have to copy the file manually, which means that you should delete it afterwards.
There are two sets of NuSphere debug modules available; the smaller bundled modules and also a separate module download in your account. That separate download includes modules that support encryption.
The DBG module settings in php.ini allow you to restrict access by IP address, so other PhpED clients will not be able to connect. In addition to that, on the server firewall you can set debugger port to be only available to specific IP addresses such as your broadband and that would probably be a good idea from a perspective of not knowing what vulnerabilities (eg DoS) that DBG may have.
Personally I rarely install the DBG module on a whole server, but instead for sites that I want to debug on a public server I use PHP in a mode that allows just that site to have the debugger module installed (eg effectively that site has its own php.ini). Having said that, I only debug on a public server when there is a problem that I cannot debug locally for some reason, then I remove the debugger from the site.
You can of course also debug over an SSH tunnel and that implicitly includes encryption; probably a good way of doing it?