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RPC calls II: The mission :)

Joined: 28 May 2004
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Thanks for your earlier tips.

I've seted my RPC server URL like this:
var RPC_SERVER = "http://localhost/myserver.php?DBGSESSID=1@clienthost:7869;d=1,p=1";

Normal call rout on my system:
1) Browser GET (a page)
2) Page loads (is now my rpc client)
3) Page call my rpc via jscript
I need to debug step 3 forward.

What happens is that steps 1 and 2 goes ok, but when step 3 starts, the phpEd 3.3-eval freezes. After a few tries, I found out that when I force it to close, it comes back automagicaly and continues to debug step 3 (!!!!)

Looks like a COM problem/issue to me.

Could you help me out?


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do you open the page in the browser embedded into phped or from a stand alone window ?
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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Oh, yes! Right between the eyes Smile

If I use the "?DBGSESSID=1@localhost:7869;d=1,p=1" in both the URL for the client window AND at RPC_SERVER var, using a *external* browser, everything goes sweet Smile

I'm just mad for have only just 20 lines of profiler, but... life sucks Wink

Ps: Anyway, what's the explanation? A COM problem?
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no, I don't think it's COM, but who knows.
Please tell what platfom, version, service pack etc you run phped under.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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win2000 server 5.00.2195 sp4 - IE 6.0.2800.1106 (lots of Qblah...)
phpEd 3.3 -3332eval / using 3rd party HTTP mode
Apache/2.0.47 (local machine)

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Smile you are using cracked phped then.

I CAN NOT help you. Sorry.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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Yeah. Embarassed But was for *personal* fun. I was trying to see the full profiler.

This app trully deserves a buy, and its already schedulled Wink
Actually I'm going back to Scite for a while - I'm trying the XDebug now.

I was evaluating some IDEs - phpEd, phpEdit, maguma, Zend... - and at first I was impressed by the debugger (I was not aware that PHP could have one), but as the evaluation goes it becomes clear that I could build my own "debugger-profiler" set using some free lib around, and with that every IDE I've tested becomes useless. With one great exception for the phpEd.

Looks like you guys **realy** use it by yourselfs, as the tools are very well suited and thinked.

Either way, I hope I've helped you with this thread, as the issue with the internal browser is there Wink

Thank you for your kindness
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RPC calls II: The mission :)
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