Joined: 08 Mar 2006 |
Posts: 63 |
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:13 am |
This came up in the thread about code analyzer, but since it is a general issue I'll put it in a separate thread.
I can't find any information in the documentation about how to return file and location information from an external tool so that the location in the log pane gets filled in properly. The "special" external tools, like the HTML Validator can do this already, and they are (I assume) run in the same way as anything else - i.e. the command output is intercepted and put into the log window.
So it should be a simple thing to have a documented syntax for this, and very convenient it would be too. And as long as I'm making wishes, how about also having a documeted syntax to color the log lines in the same way that happens for the HTML Validator. Maybe we can even use the same tags, i.e. if a line starts with Error: make it red, if it starts with Comment: make it gray.
How about that ddmitrie? Should be a simple thing to implement, right?