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*resolved* Segmentation Fault 11

Joined: 23 Apr 2014
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The problem: my server throws "segmentation fault 11" at totally random places in my various projects. Always at the same code lines in those projects but on different code-pieces on different projects (I hope you understand what I mean).
Current phped-Version: 13 (13033) 64 bit with debugger Linux 6.2.8 64 bit
Just installed that V13 package. Before that I used phpEd 11 with debugger 5.0.11 and everything worked like charm.

Any clues what might cause those segmentation faults?

Server setup:
opensuse 13.1 64 bit with Apache 2.4 and php 5.4

php.ini for Debugger:
debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16
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You probably need to report this to NuSphere.

Segmentation faults mean something crashed Apache and finding out the cause may require enabling dumps and using Linux tools to analyse them. If you report it then there might be some other reports, or NuSphere might be aware of likely causes.

Do you have any less commonly used PHP modules installed which could be conflicting with NuSphere DBG?

I'm guessing it is not a general error with this release or there would probably be a lot more forum comments.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2014
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Nope, no other uncommom modules installed. But that hint points me to something I can test: switch off ALL other modules, see if the seg faults go away and switch on module after module until I find the bad boy. Maybe some common stuff conflicts with the debugger.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2014
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OK, tried it with the minimal set of modules, with no success Sad
I'll contact NuSphere Support.
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Are you absolutely sure you are using the correct dbg binary? There are a few possibilities and I don't know if using the wrong one (eg thread-safe versus non-thread-safe) would appear to load correctly but might cause an issue.

Maybe double-check using the NuSphere Debug Wizard
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Joined: 23 Apr 2014
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I AM using the right one - triple-checked it.
I should mention that the debug module doesn't throw segfaults all the time, it does only on some occasions.
Unfortunatly these occasions have nothing in common Sad
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We clarified this with you - you used corrupted debugger module (mismatched MD5 sum) and this corruption affected stability.
It's my guess that you extracted module locally from tar.gz archive then uploaded using some tool that did this is ASCII mode or something like that.
Be careful next time

The PHP IDE team
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*resolved* Segmentation Fault 11
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