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[resolved] Reserved words & Navigation panel (b5210)

Joined: 22 Feb 2006
Posts: 106
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I installed b5210 and I've notice a couple of what it seems are bugs:

1) In "Reserved words", I can't no long select, add or edit any word, since the caret appears in the words list panel. Btw, how about adding automatically words like "public", "function", "static", "switch"... which are part of the PHP core ? And what about adding "debugbreak()" since PhpEd comes with the debugger ?

2) In the new navigation panel (which btw looks really great), it seems that only the default icons are working properly. I tried to filted the "class constants" by clicking on the icon "Filters" but whatever I do, they always appear... Same thing for the "Includes" (which I presume take also into account the "require" lines ?).

Thanks for this new version and good luck for the fixes !
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1) In "Reserved words", I can't no long select, add or edit any word, since the caret appears in the words list panel. Btw, how about adding automatically words like "public", "function", "static", "switch"... which are part of the PHP core?

They were there for many years now and are still there:

as you can see caret is there too (right to function)

2) In the new navigation panel (which btw looks really great), it seems that only the default icons are working properly. I tried to filted the "class constants" by clicking on the icon "Filters" but whatever I do, they always appear... Same thing for the "Includes" (which I presume take also into account the "require" lines ?).

It's already reported before.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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1) Sorry, I didn't make myself clear:
a) about the "reserved words", why is there a caret while I cannot modify anything in this panel ? And second question, why these reserved words don't appear in the code completion window ?
b) what happened to the predefined tags that appeared in the previous versions ? I used to add here the "debugbreak" function.. but now, it seems that it has been disabled (or I missed a parameter somewhere to enable them ?), as you can also see in your screenshot

2) Sorry, I must have missed the post relative to that problem.

Thanks for your lightening answer !
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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why is there a caret while I cannot modify anything in this panel ?

You can enter any new keywords or change existing ones and it works fine:

Regarding php embedded functions, constants, classes, properties and methods, indeed you can't change them. Should you find any omissions and/or incorrect entries in the list that comes with PhpED 5.2 (see View->Tabs->Functions), please let me know or post your comments through this page

As of DebugBreak(), thanks, we'll add it.

The PHP IDE team
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[resolved] Reserved words & Navigation panel (b5210)
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