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Remote Mode

Joined: 15 Jun 2006
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First off, thanks for doing a great work with this editor. I love it! And after implementing some of my requested features I like it even more Wink

Now I have another idea/suggestion/though...

I used to work with macromedia´s dreamweaver until I switched to PhpED and in DW you can work in "Remote Mode".
When double-clicking a file in the Project Browser in DW it would automatically check the remote file for changes and, if there are changes to the file, ask you if you want to download the file before opening it.
I know that you can use the Explorer in phped to edit the file on the remove server, but saving the file also saves the file on server.
That´s not what I want if I just want the latest version ( without using CVS/SVN ), edit it, save it to local disk and finally upload the file.
I find this very useful when you want to start editing the file and continue editing it after lunch.

Is there a way in the current version to acheive this? To automate this would save me a "right-click->Download" / keypress (ctrl+shift+d)

Micke Sundberg
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Smart-Download in the Project popup will download only files newer than local ones.
Don't forget to make sure that time offset is properly set in the account settings or IDE will get wrong date/time stamps.

I'd recommend you to use this feature with only SFTP accounts. Others protocols (ftp & webdav) have no way to set date/time stamps for files during upload.

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Yep, I know that smart sync does this for me. But I wanted it to do it automatically, without me right-clicking and choosing smart sync or using a shortcut like ctrl+D, when I open a file.
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and everytime you open a single tiny file it will access remote host to see if its remote copy is newer?
Wouldn't it be overkilling?

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Hm, I guess it would be overkill for most users... well, it was a feature I liked in DreamWeaver (the dark side).
We are several people in our devel-group that accesses the same files on a remote server quite frequently and quite often the file you are opening is modified by someone else. We do not use SVN/CVS when testing/developing just to commit the completed work so the only way of knowing if the file is modified is to download it from the remote server. And since I already do a smart download everytime I open a file it wouldn´t be overkill.

To summarize:
Working in "Remote Mode" should be optional, just like in DreamWeaver. Once in remote mode a check against remote server is done everytime a file is opened but in local-mode it´s not.

Right now I´m using the Explorer to open the SFTP-browser and open the files from there, just because I got tired of Smart-downloading manually each time, to make sure that I´m working with the latest copy. =)

Stop me if you think it´s a bad idea and I´ll shut up and continue using Smart-download. =)
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just a little tip: you may install samba and avoid all that "upload"-"download" altogether.
to be secure over public network, you may pass samba traffic through ssh tunnel.
It works for me with the very good performance.

The PHP IDE team
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Thanks for the tip, but unfortunally that that´s not a alternative for us.

I have to live with downloading/uploading =)
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could you please share your idea with me on why it's not an alternative way for you?

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Well, we could do it if we wanted to.
But then it would be the same as working with the Explorer in phped, where you already can open the files on the remote server.

It´s the combination of a local-repository together with automatic smart downloading/uploading that we want. Let´s call it a local backup copy.
It has happened to many times that someone have overwritten the changes someone else made. I´m sure that we could solve that problem by introducing proper routines, but people are people =)
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I´m sure that we could solve that problem by introducing proper routines, but people are people =)

I'm sure that no routines can ever solve the problem that "people are people" Smile
From my own experience, people in a team working even on the same project should never work on the same physical set of files on the server. Just provide them with virtual hosts one for each developer, and let them synchrnonize their very own htdocs using svn checkout and update with global (shared) repository - believe me that's a very stable and robust way Smile
all that download-update-smart-or-stupid etc are for projects with 1-2 developers. It hardly works with 3, until the project is big enough and they do not intersect with their objectives.

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Yeah, you´re right. We are a small group of developers but to many to just rely on smart-update-upload-download-things.
We´ve said many times that we _MUST_ set up a SVN repository but we always seem to fail to do so, mainly because some of the non-developers ( pixel-pushers ) fail to use subversion correctly. =)

Well, thats our problem and not for PhpEd to solve. =) I just though that this is a neat feature and as I said I use(d) it quite frequently.
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hmm, honestly I'm not sure how it may happen that somebody fails to use subversion correctly Smile. Say, you have tortoise SVN client. Checked out their psd (or whatever sources) and ask them to click on resulting gif/png/jpg and run Update whenever they do any changes. It's pretty simple and does not require any tools. Only popup menus in Windows Explorer.

The PHP IDE team
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