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Recieving POST data from Flash object. No work!!!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005
Posts: 1
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I know that the similar problem had been raised and solved already... anyway, here is my problem:
I've got a page with the login module made in FlashMX... Name and password entered into the .swf then being passed back out of it using ActionScript just like this (sorry for that mixup):

lvOut = new LoadVars();
path = "../";
lvOut.send(path+"user.php", "_self", "POST");

Well... Then, testing all that stuff simple way (using IExplorer and my local webserver) everything seem to work fine - my PHP page successfully get POST data from my Flash object and work them out using, as you can see, by user.php's functions...:

include 'includes/User.php';
   $a = new User();
   header("Location: index.php?name=$u_name");

But!!! Trying to test it in PHPEd I can't get it working!!! I see in the log window that data was POSTed:

"Client", "POST:", "11:34:05", ""
"Client", "login%5Finfo=user&1a1dc91c907325c69271ddf0c944bc72", "11:34:05", ""

but no data seem to get to user.php!!! WHY?

Please, explain me!!!

PS: Sorry, for my english and sucha looong post!
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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I'd recommend you to check the following stuff:
a) analyze WEB server logs and check if your php script is really called
b) if it is, put phpinfo() function call in the beginning and analyze its output to see what is really passed and how.
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Recieving POST data from Flash object. No work!!!
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