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Joined: 08 Feb 2007
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1. How compatible is nusphere client with modern browsers? Does it have full css support and javascript? Does it support libraries like prototype or Yahoo UI ?
2. What are the exact requirrements for it? Can i distribute it on a cd so that it gets to people with no internet access and no network connection? I read that it need IP protocol. That means the user has to have at least a network card, right? Is it possible to install also the IP protocol on the users computer ?
3. We want to use an access database(mdb) so that we do not need to install a database server. Is this possible?
4. Does phpdock allow creating patches and updates to the application ?
5. We also want to encode the php code. Is it possible to use open source encoders or we also have to buy your encoder ?
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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1. -> PhpDock runs embedded IE and therefore has full support for CSS and JScript. Regarding libraries you mentioned, they are supported if they are compatible with IE.
2. -> you may want to contact sales dept. for license clarifications. I'm here can only "interpret" that and may add my mistakes... Well, I believe you can distribute it on CD.
Regarding network/internet, definitely it will work without them. If "localhost" thing works, PhpDock will work.
3. -> yes you can access any database supported by php itself. All you need is corresponding php extension loaded (enabled) in php.ini.
4. -> I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean online updates to the underlying applications, yes, you can run jobs in background that will check availability of such things and will do this in the background.
5. -> You can use any 3rd party php extensions (commercial or freeware) as you wish. It includes encoders too.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 08 Feb 2007
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Regarding question number 4, i mean that if we make addons to the application and we launch a patch then we want that installer to upgrade the existing application. Can phpdock do that?
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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
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You could code a solution for number 4 yourself and include the functionality in the app you distribute.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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the most complicated thing is creating patch itself.
When it's created in form of msi or exe file, it's really simple - all you need is to put it on a website under some known URL and run it by the Phpdock background job when download complete.

The PHP IDE team
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