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Local CGI(php.exe)
Http mode (SRV local Webserver)
Http mode (remote Web Server)
System default

Please explain the distinction between each choice above.

I want to run pheEd using my localhost ( which as running on it Apache 2.x/; php 4.3 and mysql

trying to break down I confusion with setting up and operating phped (trail)

thank you
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elaborating on this thread

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As I understand I have to have a "workspace" first. The default is "new workspace"

I next try to make a "new" project in "new workspace"
I get the "Project properties" menu
it's point to /home/craig a user on the linux system.the
"Root director is set to" : /home/craig/project/project1"

I would like it instead to point to my "RootDocument" at location
which is also the publishing directory

Do you allow making the "workspace" the same as the :publishing directory: ?

Then come the "Mapping" setup
I set it to "system defualt" t

then it asks for the:
Root URL (do you mean : //http: for my situtation)
Remote root dicrectory (do you mean : //http: for my situtation)

for Default file to run: I try "index.php"

I get told that this files doesn't exist when I try to store this info.

thank you
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Whenever you work with Apache or IIS or any 3rd party web server you have to set run mode to "Http mode (remote Web Server) ". I'd read it as HTTP mode (3rd party server),

If you run web server locally, just set project Root directory and remote root directory both to DocumentRoot (/usr/local/apache/htdocs/), Root URL should be set to http://localhost/

If your project is in a directory beneath, you'd set
as Root directory and Root url respectively.

publishing directory and publishing account make sense if you need to upload your project to (or download from) a remote location using either FTP or WEBDAV protocol.

For default file you'd try /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.php
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boy oh boy is this me or you.. I am beginning to think we have a language barrier.

I put "one" line of your response in my previous message.... just one line.
I was going to inclulde that one line "again" but i can not access it now from this message board.

I put all the info of my screen settingswith phped to show you what my settings were so that you could sort though them and tell me what is missing or what is the error so that I could get phped working.

Where do I begin this thread again? You leave me with no choice but to repeat myself.

Read my message... look at the settings.. why isn't phped able to publish to my web site. why isn't it finding my index.php I tired to give you all the parameters that I have setup in phped based on phped documentation.

I do not think my setup of phped is incorrect but evidently it is.

I created a workspace and project. I copied the code I had in my published site into the workspace/project. Now how do I get phped to publish back to the "DocumentRoot" and at the same time make updates to the workspace. The "DocumentRoot" is for the Apache server running on the "same" system that phped is running on.

Before trying your product the "DocumentRoot" and the workspace were one and the same. I have a html php editor (BlueFish) I saved code to the "DocumentRoot" I then used my Web browser to check out how the code executes. To view the results I can use either url the localhost to examine the code output from the LAN or I can use url http://myserver to examine the out put from the WAN.

How to I setup phpEd to work in a similar fashion assuming that the phped workspace and publishing site are not the same locations. If however the the workspace and the publish site are suppose to be the same location.on a system running both phped and the publishing location where the server is running. then to I need a more complete phped setup explanation for this scenario.

thank you
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why isn't it finding my index.php

Would you please explain what you do mean under isn't finding ?
According to you when and how it should find this file ?
You probably have an experience with some other html- or php- related environments and expect all the rest to follow some rules you got used to see.

I do not think my setup of phped is incorrect but evidently it is

Maybe it is, maybe not. I can't answer until I see all the picture.

Before trying your product the "DocumentRoot" and the workspace were one and the same

What do you mean under workspace ?
If you speak about phped, workspace is a set of one or more projects. Nothing more. If you speak about anything else, please tell what is that.

I have a html php editor (BlueFish) I saved code to the "DocumentRoot" I then used my Web browser to check out how the code executes

I never used BlueFish.

DocumentRoot is just a web topmost directory, a setting for Apache, isn't it ?

How to I setup phpEd to work in a similar fashion assuming that the phped workspace and publishing site are not the same locations

Well, you need to create a workspace containing two projects. First one should be set up to work with local Apache, another for your remote/wan site. Publishing can be set up the same way for both so you can upload/download files to/from remote site while either of the projects is active in the same way.

How to I setup phpEd to work in a similar fashion assuming that the phped workspace and publishing site are not the same locations

PHPED does not assume that publishing destination site and the site you run debugger under are the same.
So, you can setup publishing for one site while debug on another.

Suppose, you are convinced to create two projects.
Assume that your local Apache has DocumentRoot in c:\apache\htdocs
ProjA should be setup as follows
Root directory - c:\apache\htdocs\
Run mode - HTTP mode (remote WEB server)
Root URL - http://localhost/
Remote root directory - c:\apache\htdocs\
Default file to run - either empty or for example c:\apache\htdocs\index.php

Assume that your remote Apache has DocumentRoot in /usr/apache/htdocs

ProjB should be setup as follows
Root directory - c:\apache\htdocs\
Run mode - HTTP mode (remote WEB server)
Root URL -  http://myserver
Remote root directory - /usr/apache/htdocs
Default file to run - either empty or for example c:\apache\htdocs\index.php
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004
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I appreciate you taking the time to reply

Over on the PHPed Debug forum I have a thread that started where wish you could have commented on. As it is I have resolved for the time being my difficulties in getting DBG to work.

I'm starting to like PHPed+DBG

thank you
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