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Profiling remote API calls

Joined: 31 May 2017
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is there away to profile a remote API call made with Postman or other tools?

I want to debug Magento API that lately slowed down a lot.

Perhaps I can do this by adding a special header to the request I do with Postman?

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Did you try regular profiler?
Yes it's possible to profile a particular API like what we do with SQL drivers, but it's way trickier and would require significant efforts.

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Joined: 31 May 2017
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Hi Dmitri,
How can I do with regular profiler? I need to send a Put request with a certain http body and some auth. headers to the remote endpoint. Is it possible to do this with phped and run settings?
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Joined: 31 May 2017
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it seems that with "Run parameters" I cannot set neither PUT parameters nor HTTP Headers. Moreover I cannot make a request to a "virtual endpoint" like /en/index.php/rest/all/V1/products/407011.2105 not matched by a physical script
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Suppose you have page_a accessible with GET and page_b accessible with PUT and page_a has necessary arrangements to call page_b such as url and push button. In this case you just with profiling page_a and proceed to page_b by clicking on that button. Profiler keeps working as long as debug session is enabled. This session is DBGSESSID cookie that debugger always issues if original request has "c=1" flag (similar to d=1 which stands for debugger and p=1 which stands for profiler)

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Joined: 31 May 2017
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I think I still have the same problem if I create a such page on the destination host. As far as I know there is no way (with a link/form) to make a PUT request and set some special headers. this is doable with curl or other similar libraries.

If I add the DBGSESSID parameter/values to the PUT request sent via curl to the destination host, do I have any hope it could work?
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You don't have to alter PUT at all. It would be enough if you supply COOKIE header and/or GET argument in the URL -- in either case with DBGSESSID variable with corresponding debugger request

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Profiling remote API calls
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