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profile output only with line numbers

Joined: 31 May 2017
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today on one of the projects I see that the profiler is not showing anymore the full script location (script + line number), but only the line number.
Do you know how to solve? I've tried disabling op_cache on the remote server and it wasn't the problem.

It's happening only for one project (configured with dbg wizard)

Extra question: is there any way to blacklist some scripts to avoid profiling? on my magento website I've a lot of resources included using a /static.php script - for each one of the included resources the profilers tries to fetch the information (after the initial page with the links to all resources) and this takes several minutes - during this timeframe phped is almost unresponsive.

Would be handy to add a way to debug only the first page, and not the included resources too
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> Do you know how to solve?

It's the first time I hear of a problem like this. No, I don't know any solution for that, but I'd like to figure out what's going on and fix it.
I assume it's in build 19321 version 19.3.
OpCache would be my first choice too. Second -- do you know what the real file is responsible for producing lines without name? Is it easily reproducible right after IDE re-start?
Do you see any problems with debugging this script, like no file names in Call Stack window?

> is there any way to blacklist some scripts to avoid profiling? on my magento website I've a lot of resources included using a /static.php script - for each one of the included resources the profilers tries to fetch the information

Perhaps, you have too many includes that you don't use? May be you can place them in to DB or Key/Value and fetch conditionally? or rely on auto-load that would include only on demand?
As of blacklisting, it would be the easiest way to shoot in the leg. After all, why do you need to use profiler? Isn't it you're trying to find performance bottleneck? If eliminate something huge, wouldn't it also hide the real bottleneck too?
Perhaps, we can check if fetching can be improved or placed into background so the frontend wound't become unresponsive.
Can you prepare a sample magento project in a VM and send me snapshot together with instructions on how to reproduce the problem(s) in the shortest way?

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Joined: 31 May 2017
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yes build is 19321 and dbg is 9.3.4 (side note, on there is a dbg-wizard.php that is not the latest 4.1.4102 that is shipped with phped)

on this installation if I profile dbg-sample.php I'm able to see the php scripts and line numbers under the Lines tab. But If I debug the website homepage it's not working.

Under Profile -> Modules I see that all the modules are empty "<>" except <<PHP Core>>

If I profile some php scripts called directly profile works, it seems that it's not working for .html pages that are handled through a /index.php router. But in the past it was working with 19.2 with older dbg :/

I've tried running the profiler through a SSH tunnel, but result is the same.

As you suggested, I've now tried running the debugger and I get the error "Debugger New debug session with //www.xxxxxxxxx.xx:443/index.php has started. But IDE could not find the project for the web debugging.
Breakpoints and other features may fail to work 18:54:40 ". And after few seconds a wrong file is opened with a breakpoint at the wrong line.

It's strange because the wizard works properly and is able to complete everything with success. Any idea? Of course I was debugging the active project.

Regarding the second questions of scripts to blacklist I'm referring not to the main script to generate the page, but to ajax calls made after the main page has been profiled and that are called in the browser. In my case I want to debug the main page and some of the ajax call starting from it, but not all (eg many images go through a static.php file that is profiled tens of times).

Unfortunately I cannot put a sample magento project in a VM; I cannot install a clean magento from scratch (it's something done by another company).

But I'm ready to make the tests you ask Smile
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profile output only with line numbers
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