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Problems getting the Debugger working on XP Pro

Joined: 25 Apr 2004
Posts: 2
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Hi all,

I've gone through the install and the docs several times and am still getting a popup when I try to run the debugger that says "Failed to start debugger session (timeout). Please verify settings for the local debugger module".

I installed clean using TechPlat. Apache works fine. PHP works fine (responds to info.php file).

php_dbg.dll is in the appropriate extensions folder. (I removed the version numbers to see if that made a difference). php.ini contains these lines:

debugger.enabled = on
debugger.profiler_enabled = on

I haven't changed anything under the debugger tab ... all look fine as far as I can tell.

DBG Listener is running as a service (satellite dish is showing).

Debugger settings are to use the local web server.

I checked the XP firewall; it's disabled.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


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1. make sure dbg is of version 2.16.3 (or higher) on both sides, on the server (dbg module in phpinfo) and on the client (dbglistner about).
2. make sure RunMode is set to HTTP 3rd party web server (Apache is 3rd party, isn't it ? Smile )
3. make sure you opened a project and set it up accordingly:

if everything is done, proceed with the following:
Run phped, make sure dbglistner is launched automatically,
open a browser window, type an URL to your phpinfo script with debug session request like this
and let know what a) shown in browser b) shown in dbglistner log c) shown in phped log.

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Joined: 25 Apr 2004
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Thank you DMITRIE.

I had made the assumption that Apache running on my local machine was a local process. In this context, however, Apache is considered remote.

Thank you for taking the time to point out the error in my thinking and set me straight.

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In phped-3.3 we changed the term from Remote to 3rd party Smile
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Problems getting the Debugger working on XP Pro
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